Hitting the weights

By Staff Writer
December 4, 2003

Although much reporting goes into the fact that there needs to be a concern for obesity, it can be clearly seen around Cabrini people buffed up with muscles bulging from their shirts. Weightlifting has become an integral part of many people’s lives.

The gym is not only packed with athletes bench pressing weights but now the average student can be found adding an extra weight to the machine they are using. The benefits of weightlifting can easily be seen.

The idea of becoming enormous and ripped through weightlifting is possibly the number one goal for everyone involved in weightlifting. For those living on campus it is a time-consuming thing to do.

The idea of weightlifting can give athletes that all and important edge over the competition. The strength that comes from weightlifting can give the athletes the intimidation factor over the other team.

John Pino, an undeclared freshman, does not play any sports but comes with his friend Chris Loringer, a graphic design freshman, to go weightlifting for the benefit of looking stronger. Loringer, after working out, said, “I feel humongous. I would rather look stronger and feel bigger.”

Besides giving the of better health, physically weightlifting can help the practitioner gain better mental health. By having an appearance that allows the individual to feel good about their body then the natural effect is to obtain better self-confidence.

Two Radnor high school students, Nick Schneider and Jeff Kurz, use Cabrini’s facilities for the purpose of keeping in shape. Schneider said, “I once was fat. I workout so I don’t go back to being fat.”

Weightlifting is sometimes the main aspect of many individual’s workouts but the importance of a good cardio warm-up is still important. When weightlifting, it is vital that individuals stretch before and follow the instrutions for a proper workout.

Posted to the web by Stephanie Mangold

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