Healthy living

By Cristin Marcy
February 26, 2004

KRT Campus

With all the different diets on the market who can decide what is healthy? There are many ways to stay healthy without cutting carbohydrates or counting points. It is not too late to rededicate yourself to your New Year’s resolution.

An important part of staying healthy is an intense exercise program in which a person will be dedicated too. Many doctors are suggesting that overweight people do the 10,000 step a day program. As a part of this program a pedometer monitors subjects. The average person takes between 3,000 and 4,000 steps in an average day, according to some doctors anything less than 6,000 steps per day can be considered an inactive lifestyle.

There is also no need to have to buy an expensive gym membership that you would not use most of the time. Be trendy and join an online training website; it is one the newest ways to get fit. Some of the things they offer include email consultations with personal trainers and programs such as buddy workouts.

One website is, which is $29.99 to join. They have one-on-one training for $50 for half an hour. They suggest that people who have not worked with weights or exercise machines should get some hands on experience and training before

One of the hottest new ways to get fit is strip aerobics, which is highly popular in Crunch chain fitness centers. Although participants are encouraged to take off some clothing it is not about getting naked. This is more about getting ones heart rate up and working out muscles by pole dancing and making figure eights with your legs. It is a low impact exercise, your feet never have to leave the floor so people with bad knees and shins have more options besides the treadmill and stepper. People follow a choreographed aerobics routine weekly and people come out feeling enthused and energetic about the week.

Eating chocolate can be a guilty pleasures but also a way to stay healthy and prevent certain health issues. It has been verified that dark chocolate has been proven to lower blood pressure. Milk chocolate has been known to help with heart disease and some types of cancer. Yes, it is high in fat but it is one thing that you should not feel guilty for this simple pleasure.

Not only can an apple a day keep the doctor away, but so can a glass of wine. People have been discovering the enhancements of health benefits of wine. People who drink a glass of wine each day are more likely to have lower cholesterol. A study has also shown that people in France, who typically drink a glass of wine everyday and have a higher fat diet, have lower heart rates than Americans.

Keep all these options open when thinking about staying healthy without sticking to a grueling diet that you really do not want to do.

Posted to the web by: Cecelia Francisco

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Cristin Marcy

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