Healthy for your sweet tooth: Fresh berry dessert

By Brittany Lavin
December 8, 2006

Finding healthy things to eat is difficult, especially in college. With weight-loss trends changing everyday, it’s hard to distinguish what’s considered healthy and what isn’t. It’s even harder when a sweet tooth is involved.

This 10-minute recipe could be the answer. According to, it combines the flavors of fruit, yogurt and chocolate in a way that is rich tasting, but still healthier than most desserts.

“I would definitely try this recipe,” Carolyn Wilson, a junior English secondary education major, said. “I love all the ingredients and it’s quick and healthy.”

Fruit makes a great snack and healthy dessert. The strawberries or raspberries are filled with the nutrient vitamin C and the low-fat yogurt has high-quality protein. These things, combined with melted chocolate, provide a delicious and guilt-free eating experience.

“I don’t even need to read the nutrition facts to know that I would try this recipe.” Danielle Licwinko, a sophomore elementary education major, said.

This recipe could also serve as breakfast or even as a quick snack on the way to class. It’s also a convenient way to enjoy dessert without worrying about counting carbohydrates or calories. With this recipe, the only thing that needs to be counted is the 10 minutes it takes to make. With such busy schedules, a typical college student is lucky if they’re able to sit down and eat a balanced meal, let alone a healthy dessert.

“It’s fast, easy and delicious,” Lauren Magill, a sophomore undecided major, said. “Can’t beat that!”

For more quick and healthy recipes, check out

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Brittany Lavin

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