On Oct. 31, tens of millions of Americans will celebrate Halloween by going trick or treating or attending costume parties.
For most young people, Halloween was all about a fun evening with friends and dressing up and eating too much candy. Now it is a holiday that is becoming more popular than ever.
Every year, Halloween just keeps getting bigger and bigger.
But as you get older and start to watch horror films, a darker side comes out.
As you get older, people like to celebrate it with the horror films they see and believe. Even their nightmares that come alive on Halloween night.
I realize, as you get older it is all about psyching yourself out, and making yourself scared of something you know is not real.
When I was growing up, most children would dress up as ghosts, cartoon characters or super heroes on Halloween. It was all about the “13 Nights of Halloween” on ABC family, or deciding who I wanted to be, finding the perfect outfit and going trick or treating with a big group of my friends.
Now in 2014, Halloween has become much more edgy and much more seductive.
As you get older, it is not about scaring people it is about impressing people.
Girls tend to wear fewer clothes, while the boys dress up as a joke.
I believe people love Halloween so much because it is the one night out of the year you can dress up as someone else.
Why do we enjoy dressing up so much?
The pleasure is all in playacting. Kids look forward to Halloween because they get to inhabit a character, whether it be a frightening figure or a superheros. Adults also enjoy dressing up for similar reasons as well.
Putting on a mask lets people step outside of themselves for an evening. People in costumes often say and do things they probably wouldn’t say or do in their everyday life. It’s very satisfying to step into another character for a while especially for a grown ups.
Halloween seems to serve fiction beliefs for many children and adults because of how we were brought up in the past and family traditions.
It continues to be so popular because it fills our basic need to address the mysteries that frighten us and even celebrate them with others.
It is a real testament to the power of Halloween traditions that they have been passed down and embraced by so many generations. Some people live for Halloween night like it is Christmas.