Gore versus Nudity

By Abigail Keefe
September 9, 2004

Cecelia Francisco

Decapitating crime lords in “Kill Bill, Vol. 1” was okay for movie going audiences. Slap on an NC-17 rating on a movie everyone goes haywire. That’s exactly what happened when “Young Adam” starring Ewan McGregor was about ready to hit the theatres this summer.

Why? You may ask because of that little dirty word, sex. Now I might have a twisted mind about this but I’ve always viewed sex as something beautiful and innocent. Maybe I’m wrong but it’s almost too easy to laugh and shake your head at the MPAA.

McGregor’s film received the NC-17 rating because of a fully clothed sex scene and then McGregor bearing his manhood for the entire world to see. The logic of today’s world is sex is scary but violence is cool. I mean think about it, what’s more damaging for teenagers to watch, heads being blown to bits or a naked body?

It mostly comes down to parents paying attention to what their teens watch on television. This is important to remember but any teenager with the Internet they can find celebrity sex videos and any kind of gore if they just do a bit of searching.

It’s a known thing in this society that if you want to see all you have to do is find it. With today’s problems with downloading who needs to go to the movies anymore when people are downloading them in the privacy of their own home.

The way the system looks at movies is absurd. Movies that should be looked at as a form of artistic expression are labeled with NC-17 warnings to a teenager’s world of Grand Theft Auto and Paris Hilton. But don’t worry folks, the world shall once again be saved from sex!

Posted to the web by Cecelia Francisco

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Abigail Keefe

Abigail Keefe is a Cabrini College student studying communications, enjoying her time in Radnor, Pennsylvania. Abbie loves working for the school newspaper, the Loquitur, and is also passionate about everything that the communication field has to offer.

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