Go red, for heart’s sake

By Karli Morello
February 22, 2007


GoRedForWomen.org is a website made for women by the American Heart Association to promote heart health and make women aware of how important it is. There are links throughout the website that can guide readers to what they need and want to know about maintaining a healthy heart.

One page, entitled “How to Love Your Heart,” supplies women with information about how to stay healthy. It focuses on conditions that women should try to avoid like smoking, high blood pressure, inactivity and obesity.

The website focuses on cardiovascular disease and calls it a woman’s enemy.

“Cardiovascular disease is public enemy No. 1, claiming the lives of more women than the next five causes of death combined– almost twice as many as all forms of cancer,” according to GoRedForWomen.org.

The website showcases personal stories written and submitted by women who have gone through heart health problems and can help support women who may be experiencing something similar.

GoRedForWomen.com is designed for women who have heart problems or have a loved one with the problems and they want to help fight for a cure.

The website includes a link where donations can be made. There is also a link to join the Go Red Movement and even get a heart check-up over the Internet by entering your information.

The movement started in 2004 and has a goal of reaching 1 million women. Joy Behar of “The View” participates in the movement as well as stores such as Macys, Le Mystere and Kensington.

Even buildings across the nation are lighting up red to honor the movement and help raise awareness. Graceland, Tenn. lit up red as well as Niagara Falls and the Reno City Arch.

The website offers tools to start a “wear red day” at school or work and collect donations from the people who participate. There is also information about Go Red events and shopping for red items where proceeds go to the movement.

One of the most important aspects of the website is their information about “knowing your numbers.” The page offers information to women about the differences between good and bad cholesterol and what your body mass index, blood pressure, glucose levels and exercise level should be.

Heart Disease is the number one killer of women and goredforwomen.org is raising awareness about the disease and how to prevent it. The website offers a lot of useful information to women and how to take care of themselves and how to help people already affected by the “enemy.”

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