Fullerton dominates airwaves at Cabrini

By Justin Sillner
October 8, 2009

Shannon Keough

Sixty hours of on-air play every week, 28 computers, four high definition video cameras and a handful of flip videos. No, it’s not high voltages of electricity that keeps Cabrini’s communication department running, it’s Heather Fullerton.

Fullerton is the coordinator of the communications department at Cabrini College. She has been working at Cabrini for four years as a general manager to the college’s radio station, WYBF FM “The Burn.”

“I was hired by Dr. Zurek two days before my graduation from Rowan,” Fullerton said. “They wanted me to do something different.”

Originally from Williamstown, N.J., Fullerton attended her hometown high school and graduated in 2001. Post high school, she enrolled at Rowan University where she went in as an undecided student.

After declaring to be a radio, TV and film major at the end of sophomore year, Fullerton concentrated on one particular field, radio.

“Radio comes natural to me. I have a good ear. I personally think radio is the hardest out of the three because with radio, you have to paint a picture with sound,” Fullerton said.

At the end of her sophomore year she began to get involved with Rowan’s radio station, WGLS. Much like the staff of WYBF, Fullerton used her skills in radio to get herself ahead.

“Heather’s efforts demonstrated her desire to learn and her serious commitment to her responsibilities,” Frank Hogan, Rowan’s radio station general manager and former teacher of Fullerton, said. “She demonstrated excellent people skills and outstanding leadership qualities.”

As communication supervisor she was responsible for money in the communication department and is responsible for supervision and maintenance of the equipment.

Fullerton started as general manager of WYBF, but it wasn’t until last year that she received the official title of WYBF general manager.

“I added a new dynamic. I helped kick start new ways of doing things,” Fullerton said.

Fullerton has turned WYBF into an award-winning radio broadcasting station. It has won various Philadelphia College Air Awards, College Broadcasters Inc. Awards, Society of Professional Journalists Mark of Excellence Awards and Communicator Award of Excellence. The communication department even had to purchase a new trophy case due to all of the awards WYBF has won.

“Heather played a main role in the production of our pieces because she was always there to give advice, to edit and to give critique on everything we did. She was very honest with her answers. She tried to help us whenever she could. If Heather wasn’t there, I don’t think our pieces would have been as good,” Jillian Smith, alumna and multiple award winner for WYBF, said.

“She has brought a winning tradition here to Cabrini,” Derek Jones, instructor of Cabrini’s Introduction to Radio course, said of Fullerton.

Even though WYBF has quickly risen to become one of the most respected college radio stations in the country, Fullerton doesn’t donate all of her time to them. Fullerton goes out of her way to help students with both school-related and personal-related problems.

“Heather redefines the word dedication. Not only does Heather dedicate herself to her job, but she always takes the time to lend a hand to students. I feel like she’s more approachable than most people,” Caitlin Friel, senior communication major and WYBF promotions director, said.

The past four years have not only been great for her professional career but for her personal life as well. She married fellow Rowan alum, Rob Fullerton, in 2008.

“We are great together but he isn’t as technical as I am,” Fullerton said.

In every aspect of her life, Fullerton has set a goal for herself and accomplished it.

“I’m not the type of person to just settle with what’s in front of me,” Fullerton said. “I love challenges and I love fighting for what I want.”

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Justin Sillner

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