Fraternity dispels rumors; clears name

By defaultuser
February 7, 2008

Cabrini Community:

Alpha Delta Chapter of Alpha Delta Gamma National Fraternity, wishes to respond to an opinion piece written by staff writer Shannon Keough titled: No Greek life, no party, no problem for administration.

Our intentions of this response are to give the population of Cabrini College a better understanding of who we are and what we stand for. We as a collective would just like to address certain issues and misconceptions of who we are.

We first and foremost are Cabrini students, and however, do not in any way affiliate our National Organizational ties with the school.

First, we wish to dispel the stereotypes and stigmas related to Greek organizations. We are an organization to continue the growth and experience that is college. We strive for the betterment of each and every one of our members and we continue to come together to create a stronger and more capable student and human-being.

College, to us, is about evolving, having exciting and new experiences and finding who we are and what we are made of, along with strengthening the knowledge we gain through the classrooms.

The leadership opportunities and experiences that are built within our organization will last a lifetime that will help us become productive and well-rounded individuals in our society and a world that is ever so changing.

We have also learned not only from our time in our fraternity but also from our time spent at Cabrini, it has taught us working through diversity and learning from our mistakes is the key to success within our fraternity as well as the community. We have a vision of a Greek System that will continually give back to the community in which it lives and grows in.

We are willing to work alongside the administration, faculty, and the Cabrini Community as a whole for that reality. We understand that is a far-fetched dream but we will continue to work and live as a model.

We would like to extend our gratitude to the Loquitur for giving us an opportunity to give us a voice. We strive to live up to Cabrini College’s standards of core values along with our own.

As a Fraternity, as a group of young men, as one, we have attempted to uphold these values and commitments as one entity. We attempt to achieve that through service, experience and the moral fiber that is our National Fraternity.

We have also, in the years that we have existed, made a strong effort to dispel the stigma that has surrounded our organization. We intend to get the fullest experience of what college is, just like any other student on this campus. We have learned through our mistakes, experiences we have shared, and the wealth and knowledge that Cabrini has given us.

We appreciate what Cabrini has given us and always will. This is only a small synopsis of who we are and we look forward to responses and additional questions.

Adam Poresky,President
and the Brothers of
Alpha Delta Chapter

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