Final season’s for two popular television series

By Christina Williams
September 18, 2003

Courtesy of

Two of television’s most popular programs are ending this season. NBC’s “Friends” and HBO’s “Sex in the City” will each air one more season. These two shows have been the most talked about and anticipated shows to air this season.

“Sex and the City” began back in1996 on HBO. Now in 2003, “Sex and the City” will be ending its seventh season. Carrie is the main character on the show that narrates each episode. Carrie’s three friends are Charlotte, Miranda, and Samantha. One of the reasons “Sex and the City” has drawn such a large audience is due to the fashion sense the characters have.

Sophomore Donna McNeil said, “I’m sad to see “Sex and the City” leave television. It gave me something to look forward to on Sunday nights.” However, McNeil’s predictions for the show are as follows: McNeil predicts Miranda and boyfriend, Steve, end up together at the end of the show, Charlotte and her fianc

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