Photos by Kalle Blindenbacher / Photo for Pub.
There are many jobs out there with different opportunities waiting to hire recent college graduates, job recruiters said last Thursday.
“Keep your options open because you do not know exactly where you will go,” Megan Myers, recruiter from Enterprise Holdings, said.
On Thursday, Feb. 11, three employment recruiters from Freedom Mortgage, Enterprise Holdings and Softmart talked on a panel for Employer Branding Day, hosted by The Center for Career and Professional Development Center. This panel was an opportunity geared toward seniors to hear some examples of career paths and positions that are available to them.
Taking turns explaining, each employer gave descriptions of specific programs and positions that the different companies had open to newly graduated students.
Most spoke about how their company is looking to bring in new “talent” who are recently graduated to come participate in “hands-on-training” and who are “not afraid to show initiative” with sharing fresh ideas that will help the industry and company.
Ruth Ringwood, recruiter from Freedom Mortgage, explained that her company offers new hires a year-long paid program that lets them train and learn about the different parts of the company. During this program the students are being exposed to what the company expects of them in each field of the business.
“It is interesting that they train and do all the programs and you are still getting paid so that is a really positive thing for me,” Lauren Fulginitti, senior business major, said.
After each speaker was done, there was a chance for students to start networking.
The interested students gravitated to each one of the speakers and asked their questions to help them further understand what each company had to offer.
“[This event was] very beneficial since we can network ourselves,” Michael Scholar, senior human resources major, said. “It is good for all the students.”
Each member of the panel will return to Cabrini to hold interview sessions with students who are interested in a job at their company during the week of March 14.
Overall, the response to the panel was very positive.
“It might be more beneficial if they had some more employers because we are kind of restricted to the jobs and they were more focused on sales and specific things but there was a lot of good information,” Fulginitti said.
Senior business administration major Tara Povish is going to keep these companies in her mind after graduation.
“I pictured myself not in any of these industries,” Povish said. “It was definitely interesting to hear from different aspects of what my major could be.”