Editorial: Whose to blame? Administration or students?

By Kaitlin Barr
February 28, 2008

If you were a gay student in high school, looking at colleges, would you want to attend somewhere that didn’t have an organization or club that is dedicated to other gay students? If you did decide to come to Cabrini and once you were here and realized that you wanted a club that caters to you, would you want to start one?

On the other hand, how would you feel if you were walking down the hallway, and as you look to your right, you see two females kissing each other good-bye? Turning the corner, you then come to see two males hand-in-hand as they walk up the steps. How would that make you feel?

For some, the thought of being gay would never cross their mind, because in their minds it is unnatural. Others on the other hand may be quite comfortable with it, and prefer being with gay people and find their lifestyle intriguing.

Regardless of how one may feel, reality is there are many gay people in the world today, living, breathing and working around you.

Coming out of the closet could be the hardest thing a person could endure in their life. Depending on the situation they are in, the people around them could accept them or completely deny their choices.

Living at Cabrini may be a difficult obstacle to overcome for a gay student. With no available group to be a part of that supports their lifestyles, anyone may stay to themselves instead of interacting with others for fear of being mocked.

Why doesn’t Cabrini have a group that supports gay students? Is it because it’s a catholic school and they don’t agree with the decisions a gay person may make? Or is it because no students have been proactive enough to come forward and try to form a group? This is a good question to ask the candidates for the new president of Cabrini.

Other Catholic universities in the area have support groups for their gay community. St. Joseph’s, which is only a short distance from Cabrini, has a large group named S.T.O.P. that dedicates a week to gay pride. Why doesn’t Cabrini?

Growing up, we learned to accept everyone that we come in contact with. That is how our generation as well as the others that follows us perceive others. However, generations older than us have a less open mind when it comes to gay relationships.

Is it really the older generation with less open beliefs not allowing these kinds of organizations or is it the lack of student persuasion? If you are passionate about something, you should follow through and work hard for what you believe in.

Maybe it isn’t Cabrini administration discriminating against the gay community at all. Looking at other groups on campus, such as organizations that support eating disorders or depression are out there, started by adults are all on Cabrini’s campus.

From hearing about interviews with different gay people around Cabrini, they are not looking for an organization through counseling services. If they wanted counseling they would go to a psychiatrist.

Organizations to better the students and overall feeling of the campus are important for a college or university to survive. It’s up to the students however to bring about these changes wanted.?

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Kaitlin Barr

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