Editorial: Continue to grow with SEM 300 and Is Loquitur Irrelevant?

By Editorial Board
April 4, 2002

Continue to grow with SEM 300

The essentials of life cannot be learned in a classroom. Book smarts do not mean much in many real-life situations, it is up to experience and education learned outside of the classroom that prepares people for life.
Cabrini, realizing that fact, devised the SEM 300 course. The class, usually taken as an upper-classman, places its students in a wide variety of environments from teaching under-privileged children to volunteering in a soup kitchen.
If you can remember your days as a freshman at Cabrini you will undoubtedly remember Cabrini’s Day of Service. Besides orientation, it is probably the first moment of your college life that stands out. As years pass by, however, it is easy to let the lessons you learned on that day start to fade away. With SEM 300, you are not only reminded of that day and the lessons you learned, you are expanding them.
On page 1 Sharvon Urbanavage goes in depth with the SEM 300 experience.

Loquitur Irrelevant?

Typically Loquitur does not respond to our Letters to the Editor, today however, is different. The letter by Neal Newman, appears on page 11, if you haven’t read it yet, do so now. If you have, please continue.
Loquitur does apologize for its lack of coverage of the men’s basketball PAC championship and also for our tardiness in publishing a review of Cabrini’s play “Two Gentleman of Verona.” While there is no point in coming up with excuses for that, we can only promise to do better next time.
However, we do feel that Mr. Newman’s comment about us being “irrelevant” and nothing more than a “throw away magazine” are without justification. Loquitur has been and continues to be a prominent source of information for students and faculty alike. If Loquitur were irrelevant as Mr. Newman said, how does that explain Loquitur’s increased readership in both print and on-line?
We are all entitled to our opinions and that includes Mr. Newman. Please take a minute, if you have it, and share your opinions on the matter with us at TheLoquitur@hotmail.com.

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