Drop and give me 20

By Liz Kerstetter
October 13, 2006

The boot camp workout is the hottest new trend among exercise buffs. The workouts are designed to mimic the training sessions of soldiers.

Boot camp workouts are exceptional for weight loss and for shaping up by working all of the body’s muscle groups and the heart as well. By moving rapidly from one exercise to the next, a cardiovascular workout is achieved during the muscular workout.

The workouts are combinations of various calisthenics. Some exercises include jumping jacks, push-ups and crunches.

Although the workouts seem simple enough, it is hard for one to push themselves to the limit of a soldier without anyone over their shoulder. It is best for people interested in the workout to do it in a group, or even join a program involving this workout.

Program prices depend upon the intensity. Members of a gym that offer classes, such as Bally total fitness, will only pay their monthly gym membership. Others who enroll in a specialized daily boot camp club, such as the popular Sergeant’s Program, can pay up to $400 monthly.

Patrick Avon, founder of the Sergeant’s Program, said, “I am a strong believer in producing results in a short period of time.”

Military Boot Camp is structured to produce optimal results in a minimal time frame, and our program, while admittedly not extreme, is designed to produce the same results.”

The Sergeant’s Program varies in cost depending upon which package, but the deluxe package is a $345 sign up fee plus $80 a month. The workouts are scheduled daily each morning for an hour each.

People who sign up for this sort of thing are signing on to be bossed around.

“The more we yell and shout and push them, the more they want,” Avon said.

Although the program has proved to help many people lose unwanted pounds, those who do not like to be told what to do would not enjoy it. It is difficult for some to imagine paying money to be drilled at 5:30 a.m. every morning.

For those who want extreme results, the Boot Camp Workout, when followed specifically, has proved to provide extreme results.

So those Cabrini freshmen who are looking to avoid the infamous freshman fifteen should immediately drop down and give s twenty.

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Liz Kerstetter

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