Drivers Wanted

By Staff Writer
September 19, 2002

I am tempted to mount a loudspeaker to my car and blast “Move.Get Out The Way” by Ludacris.

What is wrong with people on the road? The department of motor vehicles should retest drivers every so many years, which would eliminate hundreds of idiot drivers from the highways of the world.

There are drivers who get into the left lane on the highway and actually do the speed limit. MOVE.GET OUT THE WAY! Do you not notice that every other person in that lane is moving at least 20 miles an hours over the speed limit? Do you not notice the long line of cars forming behind you or the dozens of cars margining into the next lane just to get around you?

Then there are the ones who don’t seem to realize that left-turners do not have the right of way. MOVE.GET OUT THE WAY! Why do you just sit there and let cars make the turn when you are the one that is going straight? Meanwhile, you’ve got dozens of people behind blaring their horns, who also want to go straight, but since your too scared to cross the road, we all miss the light.

What’s up with people having conversations from one car to another? MOVE.GET OUT THE WAY! Why must you stop your car to talk to someone in a passing car, therefore blocking anyway for anyone to get around you? Why can’t you pull over and catch up on old times, without inconveniencing those who are sitting behind you waiting for you to shut up?

Oh, and these teenagers who swear that they have bumpers attached their butts. MOVE.GET OUT THE WAY! Do you not realize that sidewalks were created so that you would not have to walk in the street? Is it necessary to get an attitude and roll your eyes because I beeped the horn for you to move rather than just running you over?

Being a commuter student is hard enough without the added inconveniences of the idiots that seem to clog the highways just to make my life more difficult. If you are one of these people, I have five simple words for you – MOVE.GET OUT THE WAY!

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