Depression and bullying

By Bethany Bigenho
February 13, 2013

When the first thought of bullying comes to your mind, you probably thing of some big kid coming up to a younger kid and asking for their lunch money as they quiver in the corner and cough up the cash. In all reality, bullying can happen to any ages. Bullying and depression are huge problems in today’s world. I feel that there is a strong connection between the two of them.

When a child is bullied, their self esteem and confidence is taken over and lowered. In this world, bullying is on such a broad spectrum. What someone might consider to be bullying, may not be considered bullying. In my opinion, for someone to be considered to be “bullied,” I think that it consists of constant malicious hatred.

Bullying comes in many forms physical, verbal, mental and emotional. A lot of bullying also takes place online. Online bullying is hard to deal with and hard to uncover. This is because there are so many conversations and private interactions that no one knows about. People that are bullied, and even the people that are the bullies, are more likely to suffer from some sort of depression. It is much more common that people that are not being bullied are not as depressed.  The person that is the bully may have gone through or is going through depression, which leads to bullying. This could make them feel better short-term.

The reason for bullying someone could be from past reasons or lasting impressions that have been bestowed upon someone. Bullying starts at the home. I don’t feel as if a person that decides to bully someone has this urge that comes out of no where. When it comes to bullying in schools, parents need to be aware of all situations and talk to their kids about it. Whether it just be discussing bullying, why it happens and what to do when it happens. Or if their child is the one being bullied or the one doing the bullying.

It starts in the home and when parents don’t do their jobs, it really is portrayed in their children . Although there are some anti-bullying programs that are being put into schools, I think that a majority of bullying does not happen in school or when there are teachers or facilitators around. When people bully other people,sometimes I don’t think that they really understand what they are doing. They don’t understand that the effects could be long term and really influence the victim.

Awareness needs to be more prominent in everyday life. Something needs to be done in order to raise more awareness on this topic. Depression and bullying are very serious and should not be taken lightly. If you see someone being bullied, why not stand up for them?



Tips you can use to stop bullying:

-Understanding exactly what bullying is

-Learn how to respond to bullying when you see it happening

-Speak up if you know bullying is going on

-if you feel like you are at risk of harming yourself or other, seek help immediately

-Remember that bullying can happen anywhere and it comes in all forms


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Bethany Bigenho

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