Democracy Needs You

By Staff Writer
April 22, 2004

Dear Loquitur Readers and Editor;

I am writing because I’m very concerned about the direction of our great nation; I’m a hard-working, fairly conservative, patriotic man.

In the short span of three years, Mr. Bush’s record is a dismal failure beyond California: our jobs are disappearing, the Federal Treasury is being looted and bankrupted, we have lost our goodwill standing in the world, the condition of the military, economy, education, social security, veteran’s benefits, Constitutional rights, Medicare, and energy resources are suffering, our air and water are dirtier, our forests are thinner, our states are reeling from unfunded mandates, and our young are dying in unnecessary wars for oil. Our foreign policy is a mess; Iraq is a costly mess.

This administration has chosen corporations and profits over people, and politics before policies. I don’t believe Mr. Bush and his friends give a hoot about you, I, the common man, domestic or world opinion.

The wealthy– especially the very rich– are stuffing their pockets with his largesse. Our leaders are secretly closing the doors and drawing the shades of government. They ‘spin’ the public and media; they silence critics.

There is not a single issue affecting Americans now that is better off than when Mr. Bush was appointed office.

Citizens and readers, I humbly ask of you: please vote– our democracy needs you.

Steve D’Agati
(Alumnus ’83, Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA)
POB 742, Arcata, CA. 95518
#(707) 442-8160

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