Graphic t-shirts are rare but still speak visually to on-lookers.
“It literally shows support,” Cabrini student Angel Williams said. “Actions speak louder than words, just as my shirts do in support of causes such as breast cancer.”
In the mist of the presidential election many students seem to be sporting political apparel as well.
“I love to put my country out there understanding the struggle our country endures,” said political science and criminology major Ariel Brown. “We need to support America because after all, this is where we live.”
Angel Williams who also wears patriotic apparel such as shirts with flags explains how “people fight so hard to come to America and we are here, why not be proud to be an American?”
Not only do the t-shirts represent their beliefs but also it gives them a chance to be animated without saying a word.
“It expresses who I am and gives personality to my wardrobe,” Williams said. “It’s the first impression before the first impression.”