Comedian Adam Grabowski cracks campus up

By Alexa Milano
March 13, 2013

Comedian Adam Grabowski performs for students at the Mansion on March 11. (Alexa Milano / Asst. News Editor)
Comedian Adam Grabowski performs for students at the Mansion on March 11. (Alexa Milano / Asst. News Editor)

Comedian Adam Grabowski graced Cabrini College with his presence this past Monday and laughs could be heard echoing throughout the room.

“Well it was literally the best show I’ve had,” Grabowski said. “There were parts where I just stopped telling jokes and just waited and watched the reactions. It was like a zombie invasion because the laughter kept growing and building and I just had to wait and it was great.”

The Campus Activities and Programming (CAP) Board brought Grabowski to Cabrini and the entire board was pleased with the event. “After seeing him at NACA [the annual conference the board goes to], the board was excited to see him again,” sophomore Caitlyn Canfield, director of special events said. “But seeing him in person and perform a complete act made it so much better for us.”

During his act, Grabowski highlighted Disney movies, childhood games and clubbing. Grabowski also made the show personal to Cabrini by poking fun at the geese, the haunted mansion and the lacrosse house.

“My favorite part of the show was how he dug into my childhood with Disney references and accurate charts about random subjects,” sophomore attendee Maria Monastra said. “It was great because it was new and unpredictable.”

Grabowski also did a bit where he made witty charts and graphs about random subjects like high school, ESPN, and Mario kart characters.

“My favorite part is that it’s my own show,” Grabowski said. “I have the freedom of making the show my own and the programming boards that hire me don’t get paid but still want to make the show successful so the atmosphere is great.”

Grabowski pointed out that even though the venue was small, he enjoyed being close to the audience. “My favorite part was the amount of laughter and the fact that people enjoyed the show was amazing,” Grabowski said. “Even though it was a small venue, that made it so much better.”

“I think it went great. Everyone had fun and enjoyed his act,” junior James Brooks, director of on-stage entertainment said. “Everyone enjoyed his personality because he included the audience in his jokes.”

When asked if CAP Board would bring Grabowski back, Brooks responded with an enthusiastic “Yes! Who wouldn’t want to bring him back?”

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Alexa Milano

Junior communications major, marketing minor at Cabrini College. News editor of The Loquitur, President of the Campus Activities and Programming (CAP) Board, student ambassador. Enjoys napping and being productive all at the same time; irony at its finest.

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