Clipping coupons cuts down expenses

By Karli Morello
March 8, 2007

Chicago Tribune/MCT

Whether a college student is going grocery shopping, clothes shopping, going out to dinner or to the movies, it can hurt their pocket. A lot of college students take the time out to cut coupons out of newspapers and circulars or print them off-line but some don’t think it’s worth the effort.

Cydney Sponaugle, a senior marketing major, said, “I don’t use coupons. I am a marketing major and we learn about that kind of stuff. You really aren’t getting much of a deal. You have to spend so much or buy so much to get the percentage off.”

According to, Sponaugle is correct; but only some of the time. Most coupons are for name brand products when it comes to food and the coupon might say “30 cents off” when the generic brand is already 30 cents less. So where are the savings?

People will also cut coupons out for things they wouldn’t normally buy but are getting a good deal. So in reality, there is no good deal if you don’t need it because you are still spending money you don’t have to spend. “If you have a coupon for something you would normally buy, then go for it,” according to

Senior English and communication major Ian Lightcap said, “I definitely use them. We are college students and we need to save as much money as possible for more important things.” Lightcap has a different opinion than Sponaugle but is simply being frugal. “I take the time to cut them out because they save you money. Who doesn’t want to save money especially if you’re in college?” said Lightcap.

There are a lot of good places to get useful coupons, especially for grocery shopping. Of course there is the Sunday newspaper which claims to be filled with over $250 worth of savings. There is also, and

Online coupons seem to be the most convenient and are right at your fingertips as long as there is a printer on-hand.

Besides only using coupons for grocery shopping, a lot of businesses offer percentages off clothing items, cleaning products or offer an incentive like a free appetizer or free soda at the movies. “I do use coupons for clothes or going out to dinner,” said Sponaugle.

Although new clothes and a good meal out aren’t ever necessary, if someone can afford to enjoy a night out they are saving money when they use coupons.

“Use coupons when they’ll help you save but don’t become a ‘coupon junkie,'” says

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