The movie “Chronicle,” was a phenomenal story that everyone should see.
Directed by Josh Trank, “Chronicle” has an incredible cast of famous actors and actresses. Dane DeHaan, Alex Russell and Michael B. Jordan put on extraordinary performances for this must-see movie of the year.
The movie begins with three high school students coming across a hole in the ground. They don’t know what’s in it and don’t know what to expect to come out of it. After gaining superpowers and making an incredible discovery, they embark on a journey. The twist of the story is that their friendship is tested when their darker sides come out.
When going into the theater to see the movie, I had high expectations to see a lot of action and special effects.
The audience was anxious to enter the movie and let their imagination run wild. The reviews on this movie were exciting and interesting. There were some people who loved the film, while others, not so much.
The actors and actresses that were involved in the film received high praise for their performances. Popcorn was flying in the theater and when the opening credits came on the screen, everyone was quiet with anticipaation.
Many of the scenes in this film were better than I would’ve ever thought. The movie became very intriguing because of sound effects. The sound effects added intense noise to the film and allowed the audience to anticipate the next scene.
The special effects were also in high demand. They allowed the audience to actually feel as if they were there witnessing each scene. For example, when they were by the gigantic hole, they heard a high-pitched sound that startled them. As a result of the noise their noses began to bleed.
Scenes were well thought out and very organized. I loved the idea of their superpowers becoming stronger as the movie progressed. A memorable scene was when they had the power to become strong and they started kicking and moving cars.
My favorite scene throughout the whole movie was when they flew for the first time. This scene made me want to jump in the air and start flying myself. This scene made the audience want superpowers of their own and dream about if they really had them.
The director put a lot of thought into making these superpowers almost real for the audience to really enjoy and want for their own. I loved how vivid the sky was and how real all the special effects looked. When the kids were flying through the air, I could sense the wind blowing through their hair and feel them soaring through the clouds.
“Chronicle” left me satisfied at the end of the movie.
When each scene approached, I found myself jumping out of my seat. I could not wait to see what was going to happen next..
If you love movies that make you sit on the edge of your seat, “Chronicle” is a must-see movie. I highly recommend making an attempt to go and see it.