Campus program offers students the opportunity to study abroad

By Jake Verterano
December 6, 2007

“Students often tell me that their experience studying abroad ‘changed their life,” Dr. Nicholas Uliano, head of Cabrini’s study abroad program, said.

Rome, Manchester and Australia are just some of the destinations Cabrini students have the opportunity to study in. Cabrini College offers a unique program that allows current students to study in a world wide selection of places.

Cabrini emphasizes that understanding other cultures is more important than ever. The program they provide grants students the opportunity to study in another country and allow them to experience viewpoints of another society.

“The benefits of studying abroad are up close and personal interaction with culture,” Brittany Giampola, a sophomore education and Spanish major, said. “I plan on studying in Madrid to experience their educational system and a lifestyle that is entirely different than that of the United States.”

Studying abroad grants students academic credit. Students are allowed to take primary credits for their core as well as credits towards their major while studying abroad.

“Through study abroad Cabrini students are gaining experiences which are only available overseas,” Uliano said. “We’ve had students work in the Scottish Parliament and intern for Ernst and Young in London.”

“I’m a Spanish major and I think studying abroad is really the best way to truly learn the language,” Katie Boss, a sophomore Spanish major, said.

Students do not have to have a certain major to be involved in the program. It is offered to anyone who has achieved a sophomore status or higher and a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5.

This spring, more than 50 Cabrini students will be studying abroad. A dozen of those students are enrolled in semester long programs.

Mata Skuza, a sophomore political science and history major, is currently involved in the program. She is studying in Fremantle, WA, Australia at the University of Notre Dame.

“I think the most rewarding part of this program was the opportunity to meet and experience a different culture,” Skuza said. “Australia has created an amazing atmosphere that connects the influence of their European ancestors, US allies and the neighborhood of Asia. I got to meet Aussies and the Aboriginals who made me feel so at home.”

The program is offered for a full academic year, semester, or even a summer.

“I can’t decide which way of life I enjoy more,” Skuza said.”I’m excited to go back to Cabrini but if I had the opportunity to stay longer in Australia, I would stay without hesitation.”

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Jake Verterano

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