Campus Groups plant 9/11 flags together

By Katie Juliana
October 1, 2009

To whom it may concern,

I was thrilled to see that the September 11th Memorial made the front page of the Loquitur.

However, when reading the article, I was disappointed that SGA received all the credit for the distribution of the flags and the memorial cloth. This is not to say SGA does not deserve any credit, they did purchase the flags and aid in putting the flags up around campus. But, a new club on campus, Community Service and Outreach Club, was also involved with the flags, and solely responsible for the memorial cloth. It is unfair that the members of CSOC did not receive credit for the work they put into their first event as an official club. The pictures on the front page (mostly CSOC members) tell a more truthful version of the story than the article.

Thank you,
Katie Juliana
Junior, social work major

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