Body image

By Matt Campbell
September 16, 2004

How far would you go to look like a celebrity? That is the question MTV’s reality television show, “I Want A Famous Face” provokes. The show is basically about teens having plastic surgery in an attempt to look like their favorite celebrities.

The show may just be another reality show to some people but the number of teens getting plastic surgery keeps increasing. The constant emphasis on body image, not just on females but males as well are causing these high numbers.

In 2004, the number of teens who had breast augmentation went up 24 percent. Another study done by a magazine took a survey of 15 year olds and their point of view on plastic surgery. Out of those 15 year olds, a third crave better bodies and think plastic surgery is the way to go. Nearly half of the teens thought a tummy tuck or breast enhancements was adequate and three percent of them were already saving for some type of operation.

Based on the same survey the girls were asked what operation they would wish for and a tummy tuck topped the list. Thinner thighs came in second and breast reduction or enhancement came in third.

The girls said that expectations from friends and boyfriends, bullying and television images are what makes them want to get plastic surgery to change their bodies.

The girls are not the only ones looking to enhance their looks. Men are also getting more plastic surgery. In 2003 alone, more then 1 million men underwent plastic surgery. Doctors are expecting those numbers to only increase over the next few years.

The most common procedures men have done are nose re-shaping, liposuction, eyelid surgery and hair transplants. Being as that men are different from women, so are their reasons for getting plastic surgery.

The reason men are getting plastic surgery is not from insecurities placed on them by others but because of the need for competition. It seems that older men are getting plastic surgery in order to compete with the younger men in the workplace.

In conclusion, it seems to be that younger women are getting plastic surgery in order to enhance their body and make it look better as a result of pressure from outside means. While on the other hand men are getting plastic surgery to look younger and compete in a superficial job market. It is funny to see the different reasons men and women are getting plastic surgery to look like their favorite stars.

Posted to the web by Cecelia Francisco

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