The show “Black-ish” that airs on ABC on Wednesday nights at 9:30 p.m. has gotten people all over talking. The theme behind the show is to convey a successful black family living in the American suburbs and the daily struggles that any normal family would face.
This show was meant to show the relation between people no matter their race or ethnicity in a funny and relaxing way. Some of the viewers believe that the show conveys subtle racial stereotypes.
However, the show may not come off that way to some. It is believed that the show pokes at the struggles from the past with blacks and whites. In some of the scenes in the show it cracks jokes at how blacks were mistreated by whites.
People though will argue for the show and say that there are no racial comments made during the show, but simply just showing a black family portraying the American dream. Also, it adds a refreshing change to sitcom TV and to some is laugh-out-loud funny.
There have been black viewers who believe that the show is not offensive at all but instead just showcases a family and their beliefs. The principle argument is that if you do not practice the same values as the ones portrayed in the show it does not mean that the show is racist.
Some people in general just do not care for the show. Some do not like the show just for the sole reason that they do not find it funny. Just like any comedy, not everyone is going to have the same reaction as other people do.
“Modern Family” has also received criticism in similar ways as “Black-ish,” portraying four white families that are successful and living the American dream while also showing struggles that every family can relate to. It is arguable that “Modern Family” has gotten away with a lot of political and racial satire. However, it is a hit comedy that many people enjoy.
I personally watched an episode of this show and do not feel that it is a racist show. I did notice that there were some racial slurs present. Overall, I did not find this show to be funny or able to keep my full attention for the entire half hour.
I can see the double standard where some people do feel targeted by this show because of the jokes made. I think that this comedy did not appeal to a large enough audience to keep people coming back to watch it every week.