Being a girl in the music industry

By Christine Ernest
October 21, 2004

Cecelia Francisco

At this exact moment I’m sitting at a desk at a music promotions company in New York City. I should be overwhelmed sitting here at McGathy Promotions because it would be absolutely amazing to have a job here, yet a strange twinge of sadness lies underneath my excitement.

The reason I am suddenly overcome with this sadness is because I am a girl. Yes I am a girl who wishes to enter the music industry. Being a girl in this career can sometimes prove to be a curse.

My future career plans started moving towards the music industry ever since I became a music director at WYBF, Cabrini College’s radio station. I was hesitant taking the job of music director, but now that it is mine, I absolutely refuse to give it up.

This has never occurred to me until the other night when a friend asked if I had run into any problems being a young, attractive female who wishes to work in the music industry. He asked if I ever thought if I was moving ahead in the music industry because I am good at what I do or if it is because some higher up thought I was cute.

How can I possibly be sad right now? I’m learning what it is like to have a job in the music industry. I am attending my first CMJ Music Marathon in New York City (a.k.a. the absolute destination for anyone involved with college radio). Someone from the record label, Fat Wreck Records, just shook my hand. At this moment, I am making the contacts that can influence my future career, whatever it may be. Still a feeling of sadness is rising up underneath all of my excitement.

Last night I attended my first “industry party” which was just an absolutely amazing experience. I met too many contacts to list just last night; but on second thought, maybe I only met them because they found me to be attractive, not because I am the music director of WYBF.

Now that I think about it, being a young, good-looking male or female in any career can be a curse. I’ll stop worrying about it because it seems that every college student is going to go through the same thing at some point in their career path.

I think I’ll go back to convincing the people at McGathy Promotions that they should give me an internship here.

Posted to the web by Cecelia Francisco

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