Have you ever wanted instant relationship advice at the click of a button? There is an excellent blog that helps out with just that. The blog is called Baggage Reclaim. Natalie/NML wrote this blog, which discusses the complexities of being a woman. Natalie wrote this blog to help women discover that they are dating the wrong men and to help boost their self-esteem.
Natalie started this blog because of a personal experience she had with a man. She claimed that she was in love with a man who had a girlfriend. She decided to start a blog after her break-up because she thought she was never going to have another relationship again. Her blog became well-known to women and men all over the world.
She tries to help women learn about how to better their tricky relationships with their significant others. She gives advice on how to to be more confident in relationships. She has many different posts that she writes daily. Her blog posts range from cheating, exes, break-ups and emotional roller coasters. Natalie is brutally honest in her blog.
For example, her latest blog was about how women go back to their exes just because they keep calling, emailing and promising that they are going to change. She explains on how this isn’t the right idea. Women need to remember that as soon as their exes feel as if they’ve won them back, they will go right back to their old ways. Natalie’s library of blog posts are filled with different relationship advice that is intriguing to read and to learn about. She also wrote 4 books about relationship advice as well.
To read her blog posts, visit her website at http://www.baggagereclaim.co.