Abigail Keefe

Abigail Keefe is a Cabrini College student studying communications, enjoying her time in Radnor, Pennsylvania. Abbie loves working for the school newspaper, the Loquitur, and is also passionate about everything that the communication field has to offer.

Articles by Abigail Keefe

PAC basketball stats

Men's and Women's Basketball Stats

2003 PAC Men’s and Women’s Basketball Tournament

Men's and Women's Tournament Schedule

‘Remember the Titans’ coach Boone to kick off Cultural Kaleidoscope Week of diversity

Legendary Coach Herman Boone, from which the major motion picture "Remember the Titans" is based, will be speaking in the Nerney Field House at the Dixon Center on Feb. 17 at 7 p.m. to kick-off Cultural Kaleidoscope Week. In an effort to help tackle various diversity issues on campus, the senior class board is taking giant steps forward by bringing Coach Boone to campus to share his words of wisdom regarding diversity and the importance of perseverance.

Back explains life in Israel, Middle East with terrorism

Israeli citizens find themselves living lives defined by terrorism. This life was explained, last week, in a seminar by Rachael Tzvia Back, poet and scholar of Western Galilee, North Israel. Her words silenced a boardroom full of students and professors, Thursday, Feb.

Retreats offer student spirit

Looking at the Wolfington Center, one would never know just how busy they have been, making plans and making changes. Although Campus Ministry once ran all spiritual programs and outreach, the Wolfington Center now houses a separate organization dedicated to workin with those in need, called Community Outreach and Partnerships.

Racial quotas cause President Bush to scorn admissions standards

Recently, some larger universities, like the University of Michigan, have been under fire by President George W. Bush for maintaining quota based, race-conscious policies in their admissions process. Cabrini is unlike those larger universities in that it does not award extra points to minorities to gain a diverse freshman class.

Play now, sleep later

If I had a dollar for every time someone said something to me that impacted my life in one way or another I would be a rather rich girl. But, then again how rich would I be because I never seem to remember what I told myself I wanted to remember whenever someone spoke his or her words of wisdom to me.

Holiday Events

Nightclub, arthritis walk, events for the holiday

PAC Basketball Stats

Men's Basketball

Eminem goes the distance

After two weeks in the box office, rap artist Eminem has successfully proven that he is no Vanilla Ice and he isn't planning on falling off the charts anytime soon. With the recent release of Eminem's movie "8 Mile", critics and fans alike have been praising the movie that many have labeled as one of the best of its kind.

Quality of campus’ water affirmed to be safe

Although the campus’ quality of water is reported safe, according to a random poll, 5 out of 5 students use either a Brita filtration… Read More

Why is society so quick to judge a mental disease?

According to www.merriam-webster.com, addiction is a strong and harmful need to regularly have something (such as a drug) or do something (such as gamble).… Read More

What are the primaries and how should we vote?

Being away at college leaves students with many priorities and daily tasks that need to be done. Sometimes, it is easy to forget about… Read More

Blood Diamonds: is the love of a ring worth the injustice of societies?

Valentine’s Day is a time for love. A time for romance. A time to show just how much you truly care for that special… Read More

Highsmith looks forward to the growth of Cabrini, as new VP of IA

After roughly forty years of pursuing a career in broadcast journal- ism, radio and television, Steve Highsmith, the new Vice President of Institutional Advancement,… Read More

Which political party will dominate the presidency?

[View the story “Which political party will dominate the presidency?” on Storify]

Candidates continue to drop out as election gets closer

While the current democratic nominees include only three candidates: Clinton, O’Malley and Sanders. The republican party has over a dozen candidates. These current republican… Read More

Cabrini holds Domestic Violence Symposium

[View the story “Cabrini holds Domestic Violence Symposium” on Storify]

Where in the world was DT?

President Dr. Donald Taylor traveled with faculty overseas this past summer to make international connections. Japan In Osaka, Kyoto and Kobe in Japan, the… Read More

Students present at the ninth annual Cabrini Academic Symposium

Once a year, the campus comes together to exhibit their scholarly achievements and findings. Topics from Kony to Overfishing were covered at Cabrini’s ninth… Read More


Special Project

Title IX Redefined Website

Produced by Cabrini Communication
Class of 2024

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Season 2, Episode 3: Celebrating Cabrini and Digging into its Past


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