Abigail Keefe

Abigail Keefe is a Cabrini College student studying communications, enjoying her time in Radnor, Pennsylvania. Abbie loves working for the school newspaper, the Loquitur, and is also passionate about everything that the communication field has to offer.

Articles by Abigail Keefe

Men’s soccer battle ends in loss

The continuous battle to make the playoffs haunts the men's soccer team again this Halloween season. A recent painful double-over-time loss to Widener University crushed the team's morale. This was an all-too-common game for the Cavaliers. The game in itself was an absolute war.

Family Weekend the Best in Philly

After reviewing responses from the 2002 and 2003 Family Weekend evaluations, plan's for this year's activities were altered in order to meet the requests of students and their family members. "Every year we try to make Family Weekend different because it's like a disservice to the families and students to have the same events every year," said Director of Student Activities, Jason Bozzone.

Roller hockey’s popularity growing

The men's roller hockey team kicks-off its fourth season next week. To students oblivious of this team: brace yourself because the sport is rapidly growing. Four years ago, there were very few colleges involved in this sport. Recently, it has spread all over the country.

JV needs you

The 2004-05 Cabrini basketball season is about to start in a few weeks. I am sure many students plan on attending some varsity games. But did you know that there is a men's junior varsity basketball team at Cabrini? If you didn't, now you know. If you already knew this, you probably never attended a game.

Teams fundraise for expenses

How do our teams pay for that? Cabrini sports teams, like most college teams, often travel for tournaments and spring break practice, sometimes at great distance. The men's basketball team has traveled to California. The softball team ventured to Florida just to practice.

My dog, my child

I never thought that having a puppy would be as much work as it is. I think I have gotten myself in too deep with this. Having a puppy is like having a kid. Despite that, I still think getting Roxy was a wise decision. Nearing the end of last semester, I decided that there was no way I would live on campus again.

New athletic trainer

The athletic department has acquired a new trainer in the Dixon Center this year. Jennifer Langley of Drexel Hill, Pa., has filled the position left by, Meeghan Roth. Langley graduated from the University of Virginia. This is her first full-time position out of school and she is extremely excited about her new position.

Going on the

"I wanna go back to Philmont." This was what I heard before entering the dining hall at base camp. I wasn't so sure I would be saying this after the 70 plus miles through the wilderness with the Black Widows, dehydrated food, bears, and a 40 lb. pack. I thought the last thing I would want to do was go back to Philmont.

Gore versus Nudity

Decapitating crime lords in "Kill Bill, Vol. 1" was okay for movie going audiences. Slap on an NC-17 rating on a movie everyone goes haywire. That's exactly what happened when "Young Adam" starring Ewan McGregor was about ready to hit the theatres this summer.

Health watch: West Nile virus

West Nile virus is something many have heard about, but few give much thought to. First identified in 1937 in eastern Africa, West Nile virus was not identified in the US until 1999. The virus, transmitted by mosquitoes, which are thought to have obtained the virus when biting an infected bird, "is a type of organism called a flavivirus and is similar to many other mosquito-borne viruses," according to Yahoo! Health.

Quality of campus’ water affirmed to be safe

Although the campus’ quality of water is reported safe, according to a random poll, 5 out of 5 students use either a Brita filtration… Read More

Why is society so quick to judge a mental disease?

According to www.merriam-webster.com, addiction is a strong and harmful need to regularly have something (such as a drug) or do something (such as gamble).… Read More

What are the primaries and how should we vote?

Being away at college leaves students with many priorities and daily tasks that need to be done. Sometimes, it is easy to forget about… Read More

Blood Diamonds: is the love of a ring worth the injustice of societies?

Valentine’s Day is a time for love. A time for romance. A time to show just how much you truly care for that special… Read More

Highsmith looks forward to the growth of Cabrini, as new VP of IA

After roughly forty years of pursuing a career in broadcast journal- ism, radio and television, Steve Highsmith, the new Vice President of Institutional Advancement,… Read More

Which political party will dominate the presidency?

[View the story “Which political party will dominate the presidency?” on Storify]

Candidates continue to drop out as election gets closer

While the current democratic nominees include only three candidates: Clinton, O’Malley and Sanders. The republican party has over a dozen candidates. These current republican… Read More

Cabrini holds Domestic Violence Symposium

[View the story “Cabrini holds Domestic Violence Symposium” on Storify]

Where in the world was DT?

President Dr. Donald Taylor traveled with faculty overseas this past summer to make international connections. Japan In Osaka, Kyoto and Kobe in Japan, the… Read More

Students present at the ninth annual Cabrini Academic Symposium

Once a year, the campus comes together to exhibit their scholarly achievements and findings. Topics from Kony to Overfishing were covered at Cabrini’s ninth… Read More


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Title IX Redefined Website

Produced by Cabrini Communication
Class of 2024

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Season 2, Episode 3: Celebrating Cabrini and Digging into its Past


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