Abigail Keefe

Abigail Keefe is a Cabrini College student studying communications, enjoying her time in Radnor, Pennsylvania. Abbie loves working for the school newspaper, the Loquitur, and is also passionate about everything that the communication field has to offer.

Articles by Abigail Keefe

First Lady of the Press’ to speak at graduation

The Class of 2005 and all attending guests will have the opportunity to hear distinguished journalist Helen Thomas deliver the 45th Commencement address. "Helen Thomas was selected because her accomplishments and achievements reflect those that the College elects to honor," Dr.

EDITORIAL: Students still have Cabrini’s back, for now

A campus being molded by construction, expansion and in many different forms of the word, renovation, is an accurate way to describe the 2005 Cabrini College. As the student population grows, we seem to be getting squeezed and maneuvered every way possible, and it sometimes hurts.

EDITORIAL: Spring Fling in review

In the previous issue of the Loquitur, the editorial content consisted of accolades for Cabrini and the Campus Activities Programming (CAP) Board especially, for their pride and dedication in an entertaining 2005 Spring Fling. In many ways, the school lived up to its standards and delivered a great day to a vast number of students and visitors alike.

Goodbye textbooks; hello iPods

Textbooks are a thing of the past for SPA 102 A. The language department bought 22 iPods with a Globalization Grant, and distributed them to students for use in the course. As it stands, 14 students are given the unique opportunity to learn by using this micro-portable lab.

Surviving a milestone: The 21st birthday

Opening his eyes suddenly became a chore the following morning for the brand-new 21-year-old, Tim. The potent stench from his body and parched mouth nearly made him gag. Rolling over in agony, Tim wrapped his arm around his girlfriend, Ava, who stood by his side the whole night.

Movieoke coming soon to theaters everywhere

Are you tired of your roommate constantly reciting movie lines in your ear truly believing that he/she is a movie star? There is now a remedy to overcoming the annoying antics of all wanna-be actors and actresses. A new activity, titled "movieoke" has grown in popularity for everyday citizens to become the movie stars they dream about.

New online lingo startles studies

Our present-day society is completely obsessed with the concept of making things bigger, better, stronger and faster. Constant innovations and upgrades are the driving force in our global economy. In the technological world, especially, speed and compactness run the market.

Proposed Bush plan gashes loan programs

Bush's proposed spending plan, if approved, could eradicate one-third of government programs in the U.S. Education Department. Loans like the Perkins Program, the Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnership Program (LEAP) and the Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarship Program would be eliminated while some savings from these would be deposited into larger Pell Grants.

Men’s tennis sets sights on conference matches

Having two trips under their belts, the Men's Tennis team is hopeful for a PAC Championship. Upon their return from winter break, the team began working with their trainer, Drew Wallace, and geared their focus towards physical fitness. "We have also been concentrating on taking an individual's strength and basing an entire style of plan around their strength," said Co-captain Michael Sofia, a senior political science major.

Ferry finds new home as director of student activities

Upon entering Shippensburg University as a business major, Anne Ferry never anticipated working in a college setting. Sophomore year, Ferry changed her major to sociology and became more involved in student organizations. It wasn't until a club adviser mentioned working in Student Affairs that Ferry gave any thought to the field.

Quality of campus’ water affirmed to be safe

Although the campus’ quality of water is reported safe, according to a random poll, 5 out of 5 students use either a Brita filtration… Read More

Why is society so quick to judge a mental disease?

According to www.merriam-webster.com, addiction is a strong and harmful need to regularly have something (such as a drug) or do something (such as gamble).… Read More

What are the primaries and how should we vote?

Being away at college leaves students with many priorities and daily tasks that need to be done. Sometimes, it is easy to forget about… Read More

Blood Diamonds: is the love of a ring worth the injustice of societies?

Valentine’s Day is a time for love. A time for romance. A time to show just how much you truly care for that special… Read More

Highsmith looks forward to the growth of Cabrini, as new VP of IA

After roughly forty years of pursuing a career in broadcast journal- ism, radio and television, Steve Highsmith, the new Vice President of Institutional Advancement,… Read More

Which political party will dominate the presidency?

[View the story “Which political party will dominate the presidency?” on Storify]

Candidates continue to drop out as election gets closer

While the current democratic nominees include only three candidates: Clinton, O’Malley and Sanders. The republican party has over a dozen candidates. These current republican… Read More

Cabrini holds Domestic Violence Symposium

[View the story “Cabrini holds Domestic Violence Symposium” on Storify]

Where in the world was DT?

President Dr. Donald Taylor traveled with faculty overseas this past summer to make international connections. Japan In Osaka, Kyoto and Kobe in Japan, the… Read More

Students present at the ninth annual Cabrini Academic Symposium

Once a year, the campus comes together to exhibit their scholarly achievements and findings. Topics from Kony to Overfishing were covered at Cabrini’s ninth… Read More


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Title IX Redefined Website

Produced by Cabrini Communication
Class of 2024

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Season 2, Episode 3: Celebrating Cabrini and Digging into its Past


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