Cabrini College opened its gates to the largest incoming freshman class in its history on August 24. 490 first year students were matriculated into the Cabrini community later that day, 370 of which are living on campus.
In addition to the number of freshman living on campus this year, 456 returning upperclassmen also call Cabrini “home” for the 2002-03 school year, making a grand total of eight hundred and twenty-six students residing on campus.
In spite of the large numbers, David Carpenter, Director of Residence Life, is optimistic. ” I’m very excited and looking forward to a positive year. We’re thrilled to see students in the Student Development office again,” Carpenter admitted. “The new Residence Hall Association is a great way for the resident students to have their voices heard and to get involved,” Carpenter added.
The freshman entering Cabrini’s community had positive first impressions of our school. “It’s an awesome place, everyone is very open,” said Chris Friel, a first year elementary education major. “You can’t walk 10 feet without someone saying hello to you.”
“It’s good, friendly people,” agreed freshman Ray Croce “And the R.A.s are fun.”
Other freshman had concerns about the rules in the residence halls. “I hope it’s not like this all year,” said Kristen Tharoa “It’s very strict; complete lockdown.”
Other first year students seem overwhelmed. One freshman, which preferred to remain anonymous said, ” I have mixed feelings. I guess can survive.”