A response to the article: “What are we paying for?”

By Kandace Keefer
September 29, 2006

In regards to Colin Mason’s article on, “What are we paying for,” I am whole heartedly in agreement. Living on campus has become torturous.

Day in and day out I am faced with more inconveniences that really put a damper on my day.

I currently live in East Residence and the accommodations here are utterly despicable.

The bathrooms stand uncleaned even into the late afternoon with no paper towels, or toilet paper or soap (as Colin mentioned in his article.)

The laundry room leaves much to be desired. The control nobs are missing on almost every machine so you cannot put them on different settings, and a majority of them are completely broken.

Moving on to another sophomore residence, House 2, the condition of that building often leaves me nauseous. Garbage on the stairwells and in the halls, untouched for days, filth resonating in the bathrooms.

I think what most alarms me about the house, however, is the water leakage from the ceiling.

Nothing is done about this problem other than a bucket under the leak to catch some water. But the water already on the floor in untouched, bacteria grows, and mold develops. What an unsanitary display.

In conclusion, the question has been posed “WHAT AM I PAYING FOR?” But I still have no answers.

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Kandace Keefer

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