A response to ‘Corruption at Cabrini Idol’

By Staff Writer
March 29, 2007

Note from the editor: In the March 15 issue of the Loquitur the headline “Corruption at Cabrini Idol” should have read, “Participants claim corruption at Cabrini Idol.” Editors were not contacted with concerns from CAP board until the article was sent to print. The office of student activities was asked to submit corrections for the article to clarify facts but never did so. Loquitur apologizes for any miscommunications between the two organizations.

This is a response to the article “Corruption at Cabrini Idol.” There were many false facts stated in regards to this story that was published Thursday March 15th.

First and foremost there was no corruption at Cabrini Idol. All participants and everyone in attendance were given a fair chance to perform karaoke on stage by themselves or with friends (depending upon their preference.) The advisor of the Campus Activities and Programming Board gave permission to all staff members in attendance to perform karaoke. After everyone had their chance to perform, voting was explained by the contracted host. Voting consisted of one text message vote per phone. The results were tallied through a computerized system provided by the Karaoke Idol company, Simplified Entertainment. We would understand the controversy if there was a student run voting panel. However, there was no way of cheating this system.

It is an outrage that students who volunteer their time day after day to bring exciting events to our campus are criticized for wanting to participate at an event, especially a charitable event. All members of the Campus and Activities Board paid to get into the event just like every other person in attendance. In addition, we also pay the two hundred dollar Student Activities fee just like ever other student enrolled at Cabrini.

We are not a board that simply cannot take criticism, however we feel that the correct facts should be presented in your articles. This article put a negative spin on an event that brought two student organizations together to raise money for the St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital. All year students have worked hard writing letters, and this was their chance to celebrate raising nineteen thousand dollars. We have taken criticism from articles ran in the Loquitur several times in the past. However, we have felt the need to reply to this article due to the fact that several important facts were left out or incorrect. The night did not strictly consist of Cabrini Idol but rather the main focus of the night was indeed the Up Till Dawn Finale.

These concerns were addressed to Amanda Finnegan (Editor in Chief) and Dr. Jerome Zurek (Adviser) prior to running this article.

Thank you for allowing us to state the facts in response to the article.

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