For every like or comment that was posted on our social media, for every interview that has scheduled and given, for every person who turned a page in Loquitur this past year, we want to thank you.
We would not have a job or a position on the staff if it was not for you and the other 3,000 Loquitur followers. We truly appreciate not only time that you put into complimenting the staff, but for reading The Loquitur as well.
This past year has been one of our favorite in our college experience and we owe a lot of that to you.
The amount of time writing, reporting, designing and all the behind the scenes work that goes into producing the Loquitur, on average, is about 30 hours per week and sometimes more. We appreciate all of the times that when there was a spelling mistake, that students and faculty understood that there is more than they understand that goes into producing the paper.
**Adding more nonsense here**