An Educational Legacy

By Staff Writer
February 3, 2005

As an alumni from the class of 1988, I read with interest my first issue of “The Loquitur” online. The big news seemed to be the nonrenewal of John Dzik’s contract and this “great loss” for Cabrini. While I’m sure that this is a loss for the people who love sports and respect Mr. Dzik as a coach, I hope that no one forgets that one of the greatest professors that Cabrini has had, retired quietly at the end of the Fall, 2004 semester. Dr. M.L. Sicoli, professor of psychology, due to health reasons, decided to end her 30 year Cabrini career in December. As her former student for all of my four undergraduate years, I found Dr. Sicoli to be one of the most intelligent, self-confident, and caring women that I have ever met. Her knowledge and love of her subject was contagious, and the respect she showed to her students was most definitely reciprocated. There will be no one who can replace her, and I hope that the present students, faculty, and administration of Cabrini recognize and acknowledge what a true gift Dr. Sicoli was to Cabrini.

Donna Angelucci Verna ’88

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