Apple released the all new iPhone X and iPhone 8 models at their launch event. The iPhone X was the biggest leap that Apple has taken with their newly released smartphones. The X has amazing new features such as face scanning, an organic LED screen and a whole new look. Upgrading to the iPhone X would be a huge difference compared to the 8 or 8 Plus.
The difference between an OLED display and LCD is simple. An LCD display is the most popular smartphone display. An LCD display is the most popular smartphone display and it is good for image quality and better resolution.
Smartphone users who look directly at the screen as they would a television would be better with an OLED display because of the different angles. An OLED display is better on the battery life of the smartphone and provides more vivid colors and a better response time with the user’s finger.
Apple, at a Sept. 12 event, released the first look at the new iPhone X and iPhone 8/ 8 Plus. While many people wanted multiple FaceTime calls and longer battery life, Apple had something different in their mind.
The iPhone X has an all-new display that features an OLED screen instead of the traditional LED screen. It also has a brand new technology Face Scan system instead of the old passcode or Touch ID.
Face ID will allow you to interact with emojis more lifelike, which is another feature. Wireless charging is a huge upgrade for Apple that the X will have, including a longer battery life. The camera, however, is the same as the 8 except Portrait mode will be available for the selfie camera. The iPhone X will also have a glass back to support wireless charging, which the previous iPhone models did not include.
The X seems to be the best phone to get on the market with its first look features; however, the phone will cost as low as $999 with the 64GB unless you need more storage the 256GB option will cost you $1,149. Is scanning your face, lifelike emojis and a telephoto selfie lens really worth the $999 upgrade?
“I will be getting the X when it is available,” said sophomore marketing major, Chris Maldonado. “I probably won’t be pre-ordering it though.”
Apple’s iPhone 8 Plus is generally almost the same as the X. All is the same except for the Face ID, selfie camera and battery life.
The 8 Plus will have the LED screen but will have the same look as perhaps the 7 Plus did just with upgraded technology. The 8 Plus‘ 64GB will cost $799 which is significantly cheaper than the X. 256GB will be available for $949 which is still cheaper than the 64GB X model.
The 8 and 8 Plus will both have a glass back much like the X’s for the wireless charging support. The 8 is not very different from the iPhone 7.
The only significant difference between the two is the 8 supporting wireless charging in addition to having a new A11 processor.
“For my personal opinion, I will opt to buy the iPhone X,” said an AT&T employee identified as Steve. Many companies offer promotions for the newly announced set of iPhones.
As the iPhone 8 has already been released. The X is available for pre-order Oct. 27 and will be available for purchase on Nov. 3.
The iPhone 8 sales were reported low when they were released. According to Tech Viral, the new iPhone 8 was the least sold iPhone since 2013; however, it is speculated that this is the result of high expectations for the iPhone X and foreshadows successful sales for the X.
Perhaps the iPhone X will be Apple’s biggest iPhone yet, or it could be just like the 8 and not live up to its expectations. Junior accounting major Alyssa Scott recognizes the features of the iPhone X are impressive but does not feel they are worth the cost.
“When I upgrade, I think I will get the 8 Plus,” said Scott. “The X is way too expensive for features I won’t even use.”