When most of the world was being introduced to the Internet in the ’90s, they were getting there by signing on with AOL.
Just a few years ago AOL was the premium Internet service provider in the country.
Today they are just a mere shadow of what they once were.
AOL confirmed in a press release that they would be laying off 20 percent of their employees, approximately 2,000 people.
By reducing their work force, AOL hopes to cut down on costs and grow as an online advertising powerhouse.
Layoffs are nothing new to AOL. They cut 5,000 jobs last year as well.
AOL appears confident that it can grow as a company by reducing costs but this rather seems like a last effort for the company to stay afloat in an impatient world that prefers high speed to dial up.
The fact of that matter is that AOL is in trouble and that became evident when they decided to get away from Internet service providing.
Today AOL is now focused on continuing to develop their Web sites Moviefone and MapQuest.
AOL’s gradual descent into nothingness began with their never-ending supply of free sample discs that they handed out everywhere. The only practical use that I ever got out of them was using the discs to make a car in my high school technology education class.
I think it’s only fair that AOL throw in the towel and be honest with their employees and loyal customers.
If I were an employee for AOL I’d be getting my resume ready now.
If AOL were really confident in their online advertising expansion then why would they be cutting jobs? How does a company expand by reducing? It’s only fair for AOL to be honest with us once and for all and tell us what their real prerogative is.
There will be 2,000 jobless people in the world soon due to AOL and there’s no reason for the cuts.
If AOL continues to sell themselves as real competitors in the wired world, then they shouldn’t be cutting jobs to keep themselves from going under.
Some of these people that are being laid off may remember the good days when AOL was the “only” way to connect to the Internet.
The same employees that have worked hard for the company as a key Internet service provider and as an ad-supported online service will be released without any discrimination.
It’s strange to think that AOL used to epitomize online service and now the company is doing anything it can just to keep from going bankrupt.
Somewhere among the mounds of free AOL trial service discs and pink slips lies a once proud company in shambles.