“The 1975” is a self-titled debut album of The 1975. It was released in September of 2013 I discovered the band through a friend in shortly after in October. Overall the album is really well-done for a debut album with many repeatable songs.
The album starts out with an eerie-opening song once again by the name of, “The 1975.” It’s alright though because the opening track is only 1:20 in length. After this song quickly finishes it jumps right into a steady tempo song called “The City.” Vocalist Matt Healy’s tenor, edgy voice fits right in hand with lyrics such as “If you wanna find love then you know where the city is.”
There’s also a bit of techno style beats in the album with great songs like M.O.N.E.Y. and Heart Out.
The album in its entirety has very catchy songs that will keep you listening for a decent amount of time. Favorite tracks of mine include “Chocolate,” “Settle Down,” “She Way Out” and “Pressure.”
Finally the album ends on a mellow song, “Is There Somebody Who Can Watch You.” This song makes the CD finish smoothly and certainly on a good note.
The culmination of the entire band working together has made for a killer first album and if you listen to alternative stations like Radio 104.5, I highly recommend it.
The 1975 – Deluxe Edition is on sale at Target for a mere $9.99 and includes five bonus tracks that the regular album doesn’t have. If you don’t want to pay the extra dollar, the regular CD is on sale for $8.99.
A snippet of M.O.N.E.Y.