News Briefs (NY Times)
- Herman Cain gave up his presidential run for good?
- Herman Cain abandoned his republican presidential campaign on Saturday due to confronting his infamous past of allegations of fornication misdemeanors. For months, Cain has been facing a tough past of sexual harassment accusations that has surfaced from his alleged victims. A Chicago woman named Sharon Bialek was the first to come forward to describe times where Cain made forceful advances on her 14 years ago. Also, a 55 year old woman Karen Kraushaar was the second women to come forward. There are two more women who are protested about Cain but, anonymously. Cain is still accepting funds for his website in which he directed his followers to subscribe to.
Read story in the New York Times- Dec. 4, 2011
- Job Unemployment Rate Drops
- The American unemployment unpredictably dropped to 8.6 percent, its lowest rate in more than two years. According to the Labor Department, country’s employers added an additional 120,000 jobs in November and thought that the country was heading in the right direction. The reason for the drop of the unemployment was because of the fact 315,000 jobless people just simply stopped looking for jobs. Even though the 8.6 percent seems extremely worrisome, it’s been worst in the previous years. Most of 2011, the unemployment was at a whopping 9 percent. But in March of 2009, the unemployment rate was 8 percent in 33 months.
Read story in the New York Times- Dec. 3, 2011
- Racial Diversity in Our Campus
- On Friday, The Obama Administration recommended colleges and universities across the nation to use a little more innovative way to enhancing racial miscellany. The Department of Justice and Education recently revised and altered the 2008 document which originally informed post secondary schools to not consider race when choosing applicants. The administration explained in a 14-page outline that the 17,000 public school districts are increasing racial separation throughout the nation. The new guiding principle tells educational facilities that from kindergarten through 12grades now need to consider the demographics and location of each school.
Read story in the New York Times- Dec. 3, 2011
- SAT Cheaters Face Some Serious Fines
- Five high school graduates in New York are facing some serious fines for cheating on their SAT test Friday morning. The students who are blamed for such act are met head-on with fines up to $3,600. But the students weren’t the only ones who knew about the cheating. Principals and parents had infinite awareness of the students cheating at the prominent school in Long Island’s Gold Coast. One of the perpetrators was 19 year old Samuel Eshagoff who scored a 2,100 on his SAT’s. He was an expert in creating fake IDs for people in his class and had his customers paying on what they could come up with the money for. He plead not guilty for the charges but later under arrest in Arizona for tenure and exploit of drug paraphernalia.
Read story in the New York Times- Dec. 2, 2011
- U.S Police Agents profits from the Mexican Drug Dealers
- Narcotics police agents are have stolen millions and millions of dollars in drug profits as part of Washington’s role in fighting against drugs. The agents are apart of the Department Enforcement Administration and they have obtained hundreds of thousands of in illegal dollars across the Mexican borders. The agents placed the money in secret bank accounts designed by traffickers. The agents failed to elaborate publicly about the illegal money and drug profits.
Read story in the New York Times- Dec. 3, 2011
- New Jersey gets tougher on Teen Driving Laws
- New Jersey might get toughen its teen-driving laws as the law regulators try to make the streets a lot safer for drivers. When a study was distributed in the fall of 2011, it showed that with a tougher teen-driving law, the number of car crashes involving teens 16 years old have significantly decreased however, increased with the driver’s who are 18 years of age. The reason for the sudden change in laws was due to the study given and law regulators feel that teen driver will more than likely wait until they get their license until their old enough to steer clear of age restrictions.
Read story on Dec. 4, 2011
- Philadelphia Woman Hit By Philadelphia Cop
- Two police officers and a perambulator are hospitalized after a patrol car was called to a nightclub shooting hit the woman while she was fleeing for the bus before the car crashed and was engulfed in flames. Police haven’t given names as of yet and the hit and run crash happened at 2 am on Sunday. One person was injured in the shooting at the Crab House and Nighclub. The officers and the woman are in stable condition at Hahneman University Hospital.
Read story on Dec. 5, 2011
Cabrini News
- 1,500 Pounds of Food Raised By Sodexo
- Cabrini College recently raised 1,552 pounds of canned food for Montgomery County families for the awaited holiday season. Cabrini’s yearly food drive called Helping Hands raised nearly five times the amount it did in other years. The food was delivered to the Catholic Social Services where there they provided food for many families in the county. The Wolfington Center also partnered with the food drive.
Read story on Nov. 23, 2011