Don’t you wonder if you’re going to get a job right after college? If your job is going to support your living when you graduate? If your job is going to pay well? Well there are many college students out there that are in your poison and that are wondering the same thing as you.
I feel that we as college students should be mostly worry about getting a job right after college to support our living. We are going to have many school loans to pay off, bills to pay and other things to help us live. This is a very big issue in the United States because of our economy. Since the economy is not doing well that means the job market is not good at all because companies do not have the money to pay their employees.
There are even students that had to drop out of college because they did not have the money to support them. This is a big issue because if you do not go to college it is impossible to find a good job that will help support you. It is sad how many students that had to drop out of school because they could not afford it.
We also need to find a better way that will help pay our loans. Six months after you graduate you have to start paying your loans every month. There are many people who have loans that are threw the ruff. This is a very big issue for people and it is even a bigger problem for people who cannot find a job right after college.
While I was watching the third debate, the things that stood out the most to me was when they were talking about jobs and how they have to make the economy better. Romney and Obama were both talking about how important it is that we need to fix the economy as soon as possible. They also brought up how many college students are dropping out of school because they cannot afford the tuition. This is a problem because everyone needs to go to college to get a good job. Romney talked about student loans and how there needs to be a better way to pay them off.
I feel if our economy gets worst, it is going to be impossible to get a job anywhere unless you have your Masters degree. Even some businesses now require you to have your Master.
We as college students really need to think about our future and how to make it better. We also need to think about who is going to help the economy, Romney or Obama.