So last time I checked, I was a 22 year old and a senior in college. Sometimes though, I feel like myself and many others at this school must have some sort of sign on us that says, “please treat me like a child.”
Many students at this school complain continuously about some of the public safety officers, area coordinators and resident assistants treat us like we are back in elementary school. The smallest infractions get taken way too seriously and some of the punishments are absolutely ridiculous.
As a freshman and sophomore, I was had gotten written up a single time. I am in no way saying I was an angel either. Like most freshman and sophomores, I did drink in the dorms and do the stupid things that underclassmen do.
I was fortunate to have Sampson and Barry as my public safety officers my first two years here, who I could always sit and have conversations with all the time and we gained a mutual respect for each other. I never had one complaint.
Then, my junior year rolled around. I had made it through my first two years without getting written up for underage drinking and I only had to wait until January to turn 21 and be invincible to getting in trouble by public safety or the RAs for drinking. This, however, was not the case.
My group of friends from the beginning of the year was already a target throughout the building for having our “occasional” parties in the dorms and being a little too loud.
It seemed like we would get in trouble for everything. Most of the guys in our building got it much worse than my girl friends though since everyone knew their room was the “party room.”
I luckily made it through the year with only a $25 fine for lying to a public safety officer and writing a letter on, “Why I should always escort my guests around.” I might as well have just stayed for a detention and wrote it on the chalk board 100 times.
Now, during my last two months as a Cabrini student, I find myself still being treated like a child.
I feel like I have so much more freedom at home. I can’t blame it on the public safety officers though. I live in the apartments with four other girls and Tom is our main public safety officer who we all absolutely love.
He’ll come down if we are having people over to tell us to quiet down and we do joke with him a lot, but we know the fine line that shouldn’t be crossed and we respect him also.
Recently after coming back from spring break, our apartment got letters that a public safety orange cone was found in our living room by an RA during room inspections and now we are being accused of theft.
Theft? Is that a joke. It’s a cone. There was no car found in our living room and the cone was returned. As a result, since none of us knew how the cone got into our room, we are all forced to do five hours of community service at 7:30 in the morning.
When I read the letter I thought I was being punked. I was waiting for Ashton to bust through my door and tell me it was all a joke. Unfortunately he didn’t and now I am forced to wake up on a Thursday and Friday morning and do some sort of community service for something I didn’t even do.
And for those of you who personally know me, know how big of a damper that puts on my Wednesday and Thursday nights.
What I guess I’m trying to say to the public safety officers, area coordinators and RAs, is just let us live a little. We’re seniors in college, not freshmen. We aren’t harming anyone. The building hasn’t been burned down. Well, not yet anyway. And we aren’t causing any huge havoc around campus.
We don’t need to be babysat anymore. We realize there are rules and they are there for our safety, but loosen up a little.
You were in college one time, and for the RAs, you still are. We have two months left at this school and we don’t want to be wasting it walking around on egg shells.
I respect people that are above me, but I find it ridiculous that some people have nothing better to do with their lives than try and ruin ours by getting us in trouble for such stupid things like a cone, or having a long table in our room.
This is Cabrini, not Valley Forge Naval Academy. All we want to do is enjoy these last two months here we have together. I don’t think that’s too much to ask for, do you?
Dearest Alexandra,
You are so correct, these pesky officials certainly do know how to rain on your parade. Don’t they know that the definition of an adult is someone who knows how to hold their liquor? Anyway, you just keep on keepin’ on, congratulations on your graduation the place just won’t be the same without you, and let me know where you party girl! I am certain that it is a good time, at least through your second drink!
Wow – I’m not sure whether I find the quality of your writing more shocking, or the actual content. Seriously, you have two months left in college and this is what you are concerned about? The real world may be a harder transition for you than for most. Also, last time I checked, a 22 year old months away from graduation didn’t have the writing skills of a 13 year old. Good luck honey – you are going to need it…..
Shannon, the fact is that the article should be 100% ready to go if it’s being put on the internet and in Loquitur. It’s not just the grammatical errors, it’s the article in general.
It’s not very well thought out. If Allie really wanted to be taken seriously as a journalist she should have gone out first, talked to the people who enforce the policies at Cabrini so she could properly argue them. It honestly sounds like she’s just blasting the people who are trying to protect Cabrini and getting in the way of her partying.
I graduated last year, I’ve had my share of problems with Cabrini’s rules as well. I never went and wrote a half-assed articled about it for the the Cabrini community to see.
All this article has done is make Allie look immature and not at all prepared for the real world and made embarrassed Loquitur.
I love Shannon Mulhurn.
To all comment critics:
Put all your energy into something that matters instead of criticizing this girls “opinion” article. I mean really, it’s kind of ridiculous. If what you were saying actually meant anything to you and worth publishing publicly on the internet, you would grow a set and put your real names.
Get a life. I know you’re all not 40 years old so don’t act like you’ve never had an opinion about Cabrini’s unfavorable policies.
By the way the caf sux (please edit this for me). There’s not much more to say about this article besides Allie may have some grammatical errors. So sue her.
PS. This is Shannon Mulhern speaking. And (edit this too) I am a child that attends Cabrini, at all costs…treat me like one.
Trust me, I’m all for reading something that will get people talking and this certainly has.
The only problem is this isn’t very well written. I get the point you’re trying to make here, but it honestly does sound like your complaining about how much it sucks to have rules. There’s always going to be rules in life, get used to it. Some of the responses to this article do a better job getting your point across than you did yourself.
Speaking your mind is great but at least make sure the article is ready for publishing first. Not to be an ass, but I almost went through this and copy edited it as I found about five mistakes within the first couple of paragraphs. Take the time to write your articles, don’t just write up something you think is a good piece and turn it in.
Also, you probably shouldn’t have picked a topic that talks about how much you drink. Job search is coming up, have fun.
It is ridiculous to assume that the retention rate has to do with students being asked to comply with alcohol policies. Every school has them, even if they don’t all say the same thing.
You don’t come to college to get trashed and then write whiny articles when you get caught doing something stupid. Yeah, you can have fun and party responsibly. There is nothing wrong with that. But when you write articles that complain and moan about how you have been “targeted” it just makes you look irresponsible.
Hello, you want to be treated like a grown up because you are graduating in two months. Maybe you need to consider cleaning up your act so you are READY for the real world. Drinking in moderation and having fun with legal friends is fine, but when you have pictures online where over 90% of them contain alcohol and where you consider pieces like this to be true journalism, there is a problem.
As someone who does understand journalism I can honestly say this is poorly written. What you fail to understand is there’s a difference between being controversial and making a point. Rewrite this so you don’t sound like some whiny party girl. Loq has really gone downhill with some article choices this year.
to the not thirteeb year old person. get the stick out of your butt
“i was simply stating what majority of kids on this campus think in the perspectives section of the paper.” — If you want to be treated like an adult, stop referring to us as kids.
I think the main objection to this article is not the content, but the way in which it was written. It appears to have skipped the editorial process; it reads like a first draft. You’ve got every right to express your frustration that our college experience isn’t what you’d like it to be, but try raising the bar on the level of dialogue. An opinion piece like this would never make it into a real paper; it reads like a blog.
To someone who isn’t 13 years old, when you write an article for the perspectives section, you are specifically told NOT to report. You are meant to express your feelings. Allie’s feelings towards the school’s rules and public safety just happened to be on her mind at the time.
To anyone else who commented on this article negatively, Allie’s article is not poorly written. A lot of people who don’t understand the art of journalism, wouldn’t realize that there are certain rules we must oblige to.
Who cares if she writes a perspective about getting in trouble? Allie DIDN’T steal a cone and she is being accused of doing so. If you were being accused of something you didn’t do and you had to attend meetings and complete community service, you’d be pissed off too. For anyone that thinks drinking is the devil and that we are all going to hell, live a little. Not everyone is the same and we all don’t have to believe in the same things that you so whole-heartedly do.
Thanks 🙂
I hope you realize how much like a spoiled brat you sound.
Allie, I don’t think you speak for most of the school and don’t pretend that you do.
Hey, Loquitur, how about you stop these opinion pieces where your writers complain about everything and actually try to report the things that go on around campus? They are poorly written. Between this and all of the “I have too much homework!” complaint pieces, you read more like a blog.
Relax…drink a beer.
Allie aside from everyone getting all personal and mooshy gooshy. I think you did a great job expressing your opinion in your recent experience on campus. Everyone has a right to their own opinion, especially when it is for the Perspectives Section.
Proceed with WWIII….
alright kids this article was not meant to cause world war III…its an opinion article and this paper is for the cabrini community which consists mostly of students. i was simply stating what majority of kids on this campus think in the perspectives section of the paper. if i wanted to write something about a big news story i would have put it in the news section. it’s simply an opinion on my feelings.
wow, did nick C. really just personally call out Mary and try to offend her via an article post? Thats so ridiculous I don’t have words for you. In fact, You just proved Mary’s point.
But anyway,,, yeah, it is sad these are the articles kids in college are writing. You have the right to an opinion but you should have taken it to a social networking site or you should’ve talked with the school’s dean/student activities/student government committee. Using the newspaper, (a medium that should be used to focus on current events real issues that are effecting people) was not the best idea. Whether you got caught drinking or not is not an important issue….at all.
It is totally fine if you do not agree with this article…it is an opinion piece and of course everyone has different opinions. However, if you think college is now a “party” and not an education, you have a lot to learn.
This year I have had 2 internships(at once), full load of classes, community service/volunteering, 30+hours of work at my job, and involved with clubs on campus, maintained my highest GPA since freshman year, and still go out and have a good time with my friends.
College is still an ” EQUAL EDUCATION, BETTERING YOURSELF, PROMOTING YOU TO A POSITIVE EFFECT ON THE WORLD” as someone said in a previous post, unlike you, I get my education and a kick ass time with my friends “partying”.
Who is drinking their lives away? And who is drinking because they have problems? We go out and drink to have fun and let loose a little bit…big deal. We are not alcoholics. If letting loose to those who I just commented on is sitting in and reading harry potter, or “movie night” watching “Shrek” in east res, then so be it. But for those who actually want to drink let us responsibly. We can take care of ourselves. College is not a party, but obviously it’s a part of it, and it needs to be accepted. You cannot judge those who drink or don’t drink. People do what they want.
As a senior at Cabrini I have been through all of these same situations and completely agree with this article. The retention rate at this school is so terrible because our college is exactly like high school. We hear about all of our friends having a lot less rules and having way more fun. Out of a group of 20 friends I had freshman year, I am the only one who has continued to go here all four years. I have moved off campus because of the strict rules and power hungry RA’s. It is important that these RA’s are responsible and make sure they are keeping their students safe but the way they go about it is extremely unnecessary. When I used to live on campus we would have lecture after lecture about visitors/drinking and all the proper procedures. After seeing our RA repeatedly breaking her own rules it became a joke that she couldn’t even follow her own strict rules. The only reason I still go to this school is for the education and I think that most people who go here for four years would agree. And the statement about a majority of freshman/sophomores drinking in their dorm is spot on. There is nothing else to do if you are 21 and all you need to do is look on facebook at all of their pictures to know this. Maybe if there were more activities not just tie dying tshirts once a month then this could all change. For the amount of money we are paying for tuition then the outrageous amount to live at the school, we should at least be able to have a little bit of fun. I agree with most of this article, well done.
Also if people are transferring from a college because they can’t party I greatly fear for my generation. Are you serious? I can’t even begin to describe how sick this makes me. WHY HAS COLLEGE BECOME A PARTY. COLLEGE SHOULD EQUAL EDUCATION, BETTERING YOURSELF, PROMOTING YOU TO A POSITIVE EFFECT ON THE WORLD. INSTEAD WE ARE DRINKING OUR LIVES AWAY. I DON’T EVEN UNDERSTAND.
I could not finish this article as it is very poorly written and it pains me that our paper does not know how to proofread. What I will say as a peer and a RA is, if you have trouble with on-campus policy, leave. Trust me. I don’t want to stay up until 3am writing down exactly how I found you puking in the girls bathroom (for example obviously) just as much as you don’t want to “get fussed at” about it. Take responsibility for your actions, stop ACTING like a child and blaming YOUR choices on everyone else. I can not speak for other RA’s but I know I do my job as respectfully and correctly as much as I can. Normally when I am accused of not doing my job or being on a power trip it is simply because someone is caught. I have hurt their ego by recognizing that they are breaking the rules. GROW UP! This is the real world. This is your only life, if you want to spend your time and money drinking you emotions and thoughts away instead of working to better yourself, FINE, but don’t blame me when you break the rules. IF YOU CAN’T FOLLOW THE RULES, LEAVE. THE END.
Allie is right. Why do you think people keep transfering? Because of her exact reason, we are treated like children. If I want my girlfriend to come over who is a student here she has to sign in everynight, and can only stay over 2 nights a week. That’s ridiculous. I’m 21 and she is a student, she should be allowed whenever no matter what, and can come and go as she pleases. If it was an outsider I can understand a little more, but c’mon relax. What are we Eastern? Should I leave my door open when she is in there too? Chill out.
Cabrini students drink no matter what grade. Relax on the rules because you are forcing us to drive off campus. (mind you people usually drink before they go out, so they drive under the influence) We don’t have money for taxis all the time and drinking on campus gets old real quick, and there is fear of getting in trouble. What’s more important student’s lives or getting us in trouble?
1. Ali I love you and totally agree!!! We live in the apartments. We are 21 + and LEGALLY are able to consume alcohol and enjoy times with friends. Cabrini has rules with alcohol, true, however, if everyone in the room is 21+ we are allowed to have a certain amount of alcohol. We have less than 2 months until graduation…aka the real world. Why not live a little before we graduate?
2. You stole a cone. Who freaking cares. Over my four years at Cabrini I stole much more than an orange cone. Everyone has stolen a long table from the commons in the beginning of the year…isn’t that why they are there?
3. To whom it may concern with the above response:
I understand you have a job on campus as an RA (I assume so showing your pride in the work of the RA’s and AC’s; if I am wrong, I apologize), and want to follow through with your job. If it weren’t for the RA’s we would have to answer strictly to the AC and public safety. However, for those upperclassmen living in West or the Apartments WE ARE UPPERCLASSMEN. We want to have a good time with our friends and if that means drinking alcohol, being loud in our room, or stealing an orange cone, we can do it. We will deal with the consequences of our actions, however some things go too far. It is very frustrating when we get written up for small things. We are juniors and seniors in college. If a party gets out of control, someone gets hurt, or there is any type of damage to Cabrini College property, we would pay the fee and take responsiblity for our actions. If not, and we get written up for the “small things”, we feel degraded, feel like we are being treated like children, which this article is supposed to deomonstrate. Yes, we make mistakes , who doesn’t? If they are little mistakes, please tell us don’t do it again and let us be.
4. RA’s, AC’s, public safety: Thank you for doing your job, but we are in college. We are supposed to realize things for ourselves, learn from our mistakes.
To The RA’s, especially in West and Apartments: You are upperclassmen as well. For the seniors, we are graduating in less than 2 months, are you enjoying your last few weeks of college with friends, or writing people up for stealing cones? However you want to spend your last days here is up to you, but for me, I will take every freaking orange cone around if it makes me happy. We graduate from college once, we spend our last few weeks here once, let us live a little…FOR ONCE.
As an alumnus, this article bothers me. While looking at everything that is going on in Japan in Libya, this student chose to write about getting caught for partying and underage drinking in non other than in upper-class radnor, PA. I am extremely disappointed.
And please make a name besides “cabrinicavs”. you are representing your own thoughts here, not our schools.
Article= spot on…
Some RA’s go through what I like to call a “power trip”. I’m not saying whoever commented on this article is an RA, just telling it how i see it. I was in the apartments last month at a party when a RA came to the door and before she could tell I was sober and not drinking or ask what was going on, she said rude things to me and told me to shut my mouth, I left the party shortly after she came. I thought Cabrini College trained their RA’s for these situations but i guess not. No RA was given the right to tell someone to shut their mouth.
I read in Alexandra’s article that they had to complete community service because a cone was found in their room. There is no brag for this because it was a stupid thing to due but I smoked weed in my room earlier this year and got caught, I got a fine and had to complete a relatively easy online class. No community service had to be done at all. A cone or an illegal drug, you make the call.
If you want to say your peers act like children, then most of us could make all the RAs and Area Coordinators jobs a living hell and get away with it with ease, but thats not what we try to do. get a good education and have fun learning along the way.
Also Valley Forge is not a Naval academy but it is a military academy which trains young men/women to succeed in the military and maybe get into the Naval Academy or do more, the point made was it is supposed to be more strict than Cabrini, not the other way around.
Alexandra, it is not offensive to express how you feel. If an RA can’t handle stress from their job the right way, then they should not be an RA. If no one needed to sneak, maybe their wouldn’t be so many problems, if an RA go looking for trouble, I bet that RA will find it. If an RA does their job correctly and politely then Cabrini would be a more fun college and have a safer environment, we are all adults so let us be adults.
Hey, Thanks A-Rod
this post is not offensive at all to the people that work at cabrini. maybe you should reread the article before you berate someone for sharing their own personal views. where is your respect?
i personally do not know this girl but i know exactly where she is coming from. as a recent graduate i also found it hard during my four years to actually have fun. now from reading your response i can tell that you are a worker from cabrini, a public safety officer, or someone who likes to have no fun. seriously can you please get your panties out of the bundle they are in? this girl did nothing wrong in stating her opinion.
do you know why the retention rate is so low at cabrini? its because the school has the most rediculous rules. its a liberal college that provides no freedom to students. isnt that the opposite of what this school wants? im not bashing the school for the education it gave me because i feel cabrini gave me very good education. i highly respect the work the people at this school do but its not about them. this school provides no freedom to the students to let them be themselves. yea sure there should be rules but dont take it overboard. if anything the rules should be more laxed because it is a small college. if something were to happen the response time to a situation would be a lot shorter than a larger university. if students want to do things like gather in the commons and drink with their friends or drink in the dorms, let them. if they want to tailgate a cabrini athletic game, let them. dont tell them that they need a permit. who cares? you should be happy that they are supporting cabrini and at least drinking some place where they are safe.
cabrini is not a prison camp. its a college. so
let the kids be themselves and have fun if they want. maintain order but let them enjoy their youth. if anything the school is just hurting itself by creating all of these rules. the school has the ability to be a great college overall but its never going to be if it is treated like a nursery. kids want to be kids so stop being such a debbie downer. they are old enough to make their own decisions of what they can and cant do. maybe if there was a little more freedom there would be less rule breaking. people break the rules at this school because they them irritating.
That’s why I transferred to temple ; ) haha ill be at cabrini on saturday tho allie!
And most freshman do drink as well as sophomores juniors and seniors. Yeah there are some that dont but for the most part yeah
Great job allie you really hit the nail on the head. My friends got written up for throwing snowballs in the blizzard. I think everyone agrees with you on it. It’s about time someone spoke up!
Holy cow. Wow. I mean… wow. New low, Loquitur.
This post is really offensive to those who work for the school and perform their jobs like they are supposed to. If you don’t want to be treated like a child, then don’t ACT like a child. If you stole a cone, you stole a cone. You broke the rules and there are repercussions for that. No getting over it.
You think you are lucky for only getting a small fine one year, indicating that is is acceptable to lie to Public Safety, when it’s not. Where is your respect?
You write that “most” freshman and sophomores drink on campus, which is another lie. Are there some issues with alcohol? Absolutely. But to say that most of the two classes are drinking and abusing the rules is not only false, it is also defaming the name of ResLife who actively seeks to make sure EVERY resident of this campus is safe and protected.
You find it ridiculous that you get in trouble for having a cone and a long table in your room, maybe others who work on campus find it ridiculous that you can’t respect the rules enough to not steal property and respect the drinking policies of the school.
Finally, I hope you realize that Valley Forge is not a Naval Academy.