13 Reasons Why review

By Makenna White
September 21, 2019


“13 Reasons Why” is a Netflix series created by Brian Yorkey. This show touches on some of the difficult things teenagers may face while growing up. Some of these include drugs, dating and social life. This Netflix series currently has three seasons.

13 Reasons Why now available on Netflix Photo taken by Makenna White

The first season was a more calm show, where people could relate. Followed by the second season, things were a bit more intense. There was a lot more violence involved. But are the intense scenes, specifically in the second season what high schoolers’, or teenagers face?

Cartier Thomas, a freshman has her own thoughts regarding the show.

“Personally, I love the show. I think it’s a creative way to show relevant issues in a way that will make people actually pay attention. I do think that they overdramatize the high school violence. I’ve never seen a school like that in my life,” Thomas said.

“This show is a very dark representation of what some people might unfortunately experience. The show focuses on all of the right problems, but it depicts a very dark image of high school that may not always be true,” Thomas said.

Some people think that “13 Reasons Why”  “glorifies” suicide, mental health, drugs, etc. Yet others disagree and say that this show is a good way to help raise awareness on this topic to young people growing up in a society like this.

Amy Torres, sophomore psychology major, disagrees that it “glorifies” these issues.

“Things like this really happen. Whether it is in school, or at home. This show brings awareness to those and I respect that because it gives a chance for people to see that these scenarios happening on television is reality,” Torres said.

Some people also think that this show is just like any other normal Netflix series, but Amy disagrees.

“I feel like they are trying to open the audiences eyes and help others, or even themselves. I really respect this show because before and after the show they make it aware that the show the audience is about to watch is graphic and if anyone needs help, to call an awareness line. It really is fascinating how producers take a stand to try and connect to those who are watching yet, have people make sure of their surroundings,” Torres said.

What do we do when we are faced with such surreal topics? How can we avoid bullies in person, and online? How do we know when enough is enough and someone needs our help in these situations?

After an interview with the Director of Counseling and Psychological Services Alissa Brown gives tips on ways we can bring the topic of mental health, and raise awareness here on campus.

Netflix app Photo taken by Makenna White

“Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) offers a variety of services and programs to help students address mental health concerns and improve overall mental health.  In addition to providing individual and group counseling, CAPS also conducts workshops on Stress Management, provides training to student leaders on topics related to mental health and wellness, and engages in a variety of outreach and prevention activities on campus throughout the year.  CAPS is currently running a workshop series on Mindfulness, and has upcoming initiatives related to resilience and healthy coping,” Brown said.


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