Aug. 19, 2010
The Obama administration has implemented plans that involve a group of private military contractors to take over tasks now carried out by military, such as to defuse potential confrontations between the Iraqi Army and Kurdish forces. The estimated number of U.S. contractors range from 2,400 to 10,000, although some say more will be needed. With the anticipated discharge of the United States military from Iraq in the latter part of 2011, the government plans for these contractors to operate independently and provide some stability to those still stationed in Iraq.
Aug. 20, 2010
Officials of the Obama administration have declared that the assembly of Iran’s nuclear bomb will take longer than expected. Although Israeli officials believed that it would be completed within a few months, it is predicted that it will take up to a year to finish. Concern and suspicion are prevalent amongst Israeli officials, resulting in continued efforts to provide proper security.
Aug. 21,2010
Israelis and Palestinians agreed on Aug. 21 to accept the American invitation to begin peace talks between one another. Although this is a positive step in the right direction, there is little confidence held by analysts that the Obama administration will be able to reach an inclusive agreement within one year. The pessimistic response to the United State’s invitation comes from many realists’ points of view, with many saying that world peace cannot be achieved in only a couple of years.
Aug. 22, 2010
The Investment Company Institute has confirmed that small investors withdrew $33.12 billion dollars from the domestic stock market’s mutual funds since the beginning of 2010. Individual investors have become more and more worried about the risk and are seeking safer types of investments. It is expected that even more money will be pulled out if shareholders continue to seek more stability. Many investors have decided to focus on bonds, mainly because it is a more secure option and will continue to be until the market turns around.
Aug. 23, 2010
The arrest of the Taliban’s operation commander, Abdul Ghani Baradar, came as a surprise to officials in Pakistan. What originally started as the detainment of 23 Taliban leaders soon resulted in the capture of a man whom Pakistani officials had been on the lookout for after gaining knowledge that he was withholding secret peace talks with the Afghan government.