EPIC 2012

By Kassia Bernosky
April 18, 2012

CAP Board plans events all year long and in the spring, a week of larger-scale events are planned that are just, well…EPIC! From Monday, April 16, to Saturday, April 21, CAP Board’s EPIC celebrated its third birthday with a week of events all involving entertainment of a youthful theme.

The slogan for EPIC 2012 was “It’s my party and I’ll _____ if I want to.”

The “It’s my party” theme was chosen because this year marked the third anniversary of EPIC.  Ali Thompson, senior marketing major, and Courtney Abel, senior education major, who planned EPIC, thought the idea of a third birthday would be a fun idea.

“I loved this year’s theme. I thought it was simple, cute and fun,” Thompson said.

“This year’s theme was great. I liked how it was a birthday for EPIC,” James Brooks, sophomore criminology/sociology major, said.

“I really enjoyed this year’s theme. I think it was a chance to bring out that little kid in all of us,” Rachel Layden, sophomore English major, said.

Some of the week’s events were planned because they were very popular in past years and students wanted to see them return to campus.  However, new events and performers were planned to change things up and give students something new and exciting that they haven’t seen before. Some events were included in EPIC because they were scheduled by other organizations.

At each event, EPIC 2012 t-shirts were given away to a few lucky attendees.

EPIC 2012 was kicked off with Magic Monday on April 16 in Grace Hall. The event involved magician Danny Weiser and an EPIC party.  Before the event started, Weiser went to Cav’s Corner and Jazzman’s to give sneak previews of magic tricks. At 7:30 p.m. childhood party games such as hop-scotch, piñata, twister, etc., were played.  After the festive games were over, Danny Weiser took the stage for a magic show and wowed the crowd with mind-boggling tricks.

“I loved Magic Monday,” Layden said. “I liked it because I got to talk to the magician, Danny Weiser and I got to show him around the campus so he could do teasers,” Layden said.

Tuesday, April 17 was the Chef’s Fare in Cav’s Corner. Cabrini’s chefs prepared Asian cuisine for the students and faculty. While eating, students and faculty were able to enjoy Top 40 hits being played.  Cap Board had a raffle for a chance to win a prize.

“I enjoyed the food in the cafeteria. I am the type of person that likes to try new things and this was a great way to be able to,” Layden said.

Wacky Wednesday brought comedian, Eric O’Shea, to campus.  This event was set-up like a comedy club with dinner and mocktails before O’Shea took the stage.

Once O’Shea started his act, no one in the audience could stop themselves from laughing.

O’Shea introduced his act by referring to Cabrini as a “cute school” with “magical unicorns, leprechauns and deer running around.”

O’Shea’s description and observation of Cabrini’s quiet, suburban, wooded-area appearance got students and faculty bursting out into laughter.

O’Shea won the crowd over with his signature Elmo impression.

“Eric O’Shea was absolutely amazing and I would want to see him again,” Jordann Bichler, sophomore graphic design major, said.

“He kept the crowd entertained and laughing the entire time. My favorite part was when he did Elmo and the commercials at the end,” Bichler said.

Big Prize Bingo was the most anticipated event of EPIC.  Big Prize Bingo is different from regular bingo games throughout the year because all of the prizes are over $100.  On Thursday, April 19 Big Prize Bingo returned to campus with a twist.  CAP Board scheduled a company to run the game.  There were two performers who aimed to give the game of bingo a comedic twist.

However, students did not respond well to the performers’ humor. Attendees just wanted to hear the numbers called and win prizes. Prizes won at Big Prize Bingo included, an iPod touch, $100 gas card, a Blue Ray player, American Express gift card and an iPod docking station.

Friday, April 20 was the Headphone Disco, a brand new event.  The concept of a headphone disco is that there are two DJs playing two different genres of music. Everyone is given wireless headphones and can change stations at any time just by flipping a switch on the headphone,  the quirk being that you don’t know what station the person you’re dancing with is listening to.

“I thought headphone disco was great. It was an awesome time. Everybody had a blast and once they understood the concept, they had as much fun or even more than the EPIC volunteers. The DJ’s were very good and they worked off each other. They were funny too,” Brooks said.

EPIC 2012 ended Saturday, April 21, with the school coming together for Relay for Life.

“I feel like there is always room for improvement, but I am so happy with the events we had and how the week went,” Thompson said.

“I thought EPIC went off without a hitch and was very successful this year,” Brooks said. “Everybody had fun that came to the events.”

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Kassia Bernosky

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