Imagine you and your partner are alone in your room and the pheromones start being released into the atmosphere and you both know what’s coming next.
How do you know? You can just feel it.
Now you begin to kiss and that kiss leads to sex but before you can have sex both of you have to say something along the lines of “yes, I want this.” Wasn’t that already said by the individuals when they put themselves in that position?
Would that make it feel unnatural? Would it be something to get used to? I wouldn’t expect less sex on California college campuses but you be the judge.
The new “yes means yes” standards on California college campus requires partners to give each an “affirmative, conscious, and voluntary agreement to engage in sexual activities,” Governor of California Jerry Brown said.
“Lack of protest or resistance does not mean consent, nor does silence mean consent,” the law states. That means no drunk sex even though that’s the only way some guys can see any action. The objective is to tackle the problem with sexual assault in colleges.
Will the standards spread like the National Minimum Drinking Age Act or will this not be taken seriously?
Everyone is wondering just how they would monitor who says what? Maybe they should have contracts to sign like Dave Chappelle did in his comedy skit when both parties agree to the act. That way the judge can tell, from the handwriting, how conscious the person was if an individual wants to take their partner at the time to court.
People can lie when they regret the person they slept with and I feel as if this may actually raise sexual assault statistics in California rather than lower the happenings. They are almost setting themselves up for problems.
There was a phone app called “Good2Go,” which provides an electronic consent from both parties to use before sex. The app was targeted at college-adults but received criticism from users and non-believers of the app. Apple pulled the app from its store giving a vague reason as to why. However, many believed that the app was inappropriate. Founder Lee Ann Allman, eventually pulled the app completely off app stores in early October.
We are adults, we should be able to communicate and putting a law down doesn’t justify the way that someone may act because it is not what we think about when we’re in the moment. We don’t think to say “I need you to say that you want this.” It’s something that you feel within yourself. If it feels wrong then it probably is wrong and the people that try and make something out of nothing are the ones that mostly likely find themselves in trouble.