Remember the day when you found out your crush’s birthday and that night when you got home you looked in one of your magazines, or went on the computer to look up their astrological sign? You may have even looked up whether or not that person’s sign was compatible with yours. Who knows, maybe it’s meant to be.
Many read their horoscope on a daily basis for some amusement, or to see if maybe some truth could lie behind it. How long have you been waiting for that special someone that your horoscope keeps telling you about?
Astrology has had quite a history and has become very popular over the thousands of years that it has been researched. As far back as history can go people have looked to the planets, stars and moons for guidance. Thousands of years ago astrology was mostly for members of royalty only. An astrologer could look forward to a comfortable, civil service job in a palace, if they served royalty.
Alexandria, Egypt was considered the cultural center of ancient Hellenistic Greek thought. The study, development, and acceptance of astrology increased over about 300 years. During this time horoscopic, zodiacal and individual astrology as we know today first came into existence.
Now astrology and horoscopes has become a daily thing for many people. We can only thank the ancient Greek philosophers and the steadfast astrologers for continuing their studies so that we can find out if that Scorpio in our English class is really our type.