Let’s all go to the movies. Cap Board is presenting Cabrini students with new movies that have yet to be released for video rental. The movie series began Jan 20th with the showing of “Ali.” The movie events will take place in the Widener Center Lecture Hall on the scheduled dates, which are all at 8 p.m. on Saturday or 9 p.m. on Sunday.
Because copyright laws do not permit large groups of people to watch a movie, the Cap Board got in touch with members from a company called Swank, which would allow Cabrini to show movies. In contacting Swank, the Cap Board was able to obtain recent films such as “8 Mile,” “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” and “Sweet Home Alabama” for our viewing pleasure. Keep in mind these movies were not simply handed over to Cap Board for nothing. Each movie costs between $250 and $400 to show. However, the movies are being offered free of charge to any Cabrini student with proper identification. There is a two guest limit for any one student, and guests are also permitted without charge.
Freshman Robin Cook, Jason Bozzone and several Cap Board members sat down and worked out a movie series game plan. They gave much thought into when the best time would be for students to come out and see such movies. Last semester movies such as “Mr. Deeds,” “Austin Powers in Goldmember” and “Men in Black,” were shown on Friday nights and they had a turnout of approximately 35 students per movie. Depending on whether shows work better on Saturday rather then Sunday, will set the tone for when movies will be shown next semester.
“Last semester the movies were not advertised as well as they are now. Attention grabbing posters have been placed all around campus and a lot of my friends have been talking about the upcoming movies such as 8 Mile,” freshman Jen Taggart said.
Students voiced their opinions about the need for more weekend activities so they decided to make the movies a weekend event. There is hope that more people will stay on campus and take part. “I can assure you that the students are talking and we are listening,” Bozzone said.
He went on to say that, the student development office is brand new with a new philosophy focusing more on the students. They are trying to create publicity and they are trying to help the students realize that it is ok to read bulletin boards. Students should know that if they get involved they will get something out of it. He is assuring that an array of quality events will be brought to campus for little or no cost at all.
Free popcorn, soda or other goodies are often times given out to the moviegoers. If the movie night gets bigger and better, they will be able to get more money for other items.
Tom Schneiders, sophomore lacrosse player, said, “I cannot wait to go and see the first movie showing. It is such a great idea to show new movies for free. You will be sure to see me at every show. I did not know about it last semester, but I recently saw a poster outside of Founders Hall. I’m really looking forward to it.”
Many people are often times left out of activities because of what seems to be a communication barrier. Bozzone warned students to not *6 any of his messages because they might actually be interested in the upcoming activities offered.