One of the sweetest days of the year, Valentine’s Day, gives a sugary toothache on such a love-filled day. Candy hearts, pink and red M&Ms, boxes of chocolate, among other sweet treats represent true love between couples.
One of the more traditional candies are the famous candy hearts made by NECCO. According to, candy hearts date back to the early Civil War days and have been enjoyed ever since.
Elizabeth Willever, a senior business administration major, is in love with these traditional candies. “If I had to choose one Valentine’s Day candy, it would be the candy hearts because I love the little messages on them,” she said.
Some chocoholics enjoy chocolate daily, while others are in the closet with this sweet obsession. Valentine’s Day brings out the chocolate-lover in everyone with so many varieties to choose from.
Junior finance major Brian Scelzo loves to eat and give chocolate on Valentine’s Day. “My favorite candy is anything chocolate. It’s my favorite gift to give and receive,” Scelzo said.
Some love chocolate without anything extra and some love the special varieties companies put out just for Valentine’s Day.
Senior psychology and sociology major Laura Barber thinks the Reese’s peanut butter hearts are to die for. “Anything with peanut butter and chocolate is amazing, it’s that simple,” she said.
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