On a cool October evening, several musicians and bands, showed off their talents, at Jazzmen’s café. The small crowd did not discourage the performers for they put on a very impressive performance.
The crowd was sparse but was the determining factor is who won a chance to play during the Mr. and Mrs. Cabrini pageant.
Each performer and band played great music but one band was decided the winner. The “Flow” was led by lead guitarist Julian Maliszewski, and his fellow band mates who have been playing together since the beginning of the year. “We play a little bit of everything,” Julian said. Blues, funk and they like to cover the Famous artist Jack Johnson.
What started out as a couple of friends just sitting around and playing, slowly transformed into a band that was comfortable playing in front of a crowd of people who were grateful for there performance. “I love coming to open Mic nights, as a guitar player myself, I enjoy hearing other performers playing live,” Ryan Vaughen, freshman communication major, said.
The crowd voted the “Flow” the best band of night, helping them get closer to performing at the pageant. The crowd wasn’t as large as they other nights but, they got very into the show. Singing along to a Red Hot Chillie Peppers song to end the night. “I love coming [to open mic nights]. I’m going to try to come to every one,” Vaughn said.