Spring Break…Or Bust!

By Mary Adam
February 21, 2003

Lauren Joseph

Spring Break: the two words that are music to every college student’s ears. What can be better than tons of fun with the friends you’ve made and live with for the majority of the year? It’s a week filled with more memories than you could build over the year. Whether it’s lying on a beach, hanging out in the Poconos, or hiding yourself in a hotel room so you can illegally enjoy (what I’m sure is only) one or two alcoholic drinks. Ahhhh, Spring Break.

Junior Alissa Smith and a group of friends filled with juniors and seniors plan to hit up the Poconos. For them, it will be a week with skiing, snow tubing, and many trips to the hot tub. Sophomore Sarah Madden and friends are planning a trip to Orlando. This is a fun-filled city where they plan to visit Disney and Universal. Who knows, maybe they will run into Justin Timberlake and the N’Sync gang. Liz Graham, junior, has the same consensus as she plans to visit Disney World. Senior Jay Rotella plans to take a testosterone building road trip with his buddies down to Miami, Daytona Beach, and who knows where from that point. Kat Pirrone, senior, has the right idea as she states, “I’m flying off to an exotic island with my French lover Pierre.”

But what about the sports teams? What do they plan to do? Will it be all work and no play? For the men’s lacrosse team, it seems that way. They will be traveling south for three games. The first will be against Mary Washington College in Fredericksburg, Va. The next stop brings them to Wingate, N.C. where they will face Wingate University. Afterwards they head over to Greensboro, N.C. to play Greensboro College.

This is not the case for the softball team. They have a good mixture of work and play, as they head across the country to sunny California. There they will practice and face some serious competition to prepare for the season. That’s not all, however. This year the team planned a trip to be at a taping of The Price is Right. Imagine seeing one of these girls standing next to Bob Barker preparing to play Plinko. The women’s lacrosse team will head south as well to Florida. They will face some tough teams to help them in another successful season. They have nothing actually planned for the trip, but last year the ladies had a day to go to Universal or relax by the pool. Either way, they are coming back with tans.

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