The biggest cause of failed relationships, the difference between argument and disagreement and the value of respect are just a few things students will learn if they attend Dr. Jeffrey Kaplan’s upcoming workshop on creating and enhancing healthy relationships.
Starting at 5:30 p.m. and ending at 7 p.m., students have the chance to come to the Grace Hall Atrium on Monday, Oct. 23 and learn what it takes to make a relationship successful. Kaplan stresses in his workshops that “Students will learn the three reasons why relationships fail and proven strategies to make them succeed.”
Dr. Jeffrey Kaplan has worked for years as a psychologist and an executive life coach. He is the president of Interpersonal Growth Workshops and specializes in counseling and coaching private and non-profit organizations throughout the United States.
He has used his skills to develop many presentations on different subjects, such as creating a positive attitude, anger management, stress management, positive approaches to discipline and team building.
Dr. Maria Hallion, associate professor of exercise science and health promotion first heard about Kaplan through a friend at Bryn Mawr Hospital Cardiac Rehab. For the past few years, Kaplan has spoken to her stress management course. Hallion said, “Many guest speakers come into my class and he is by far the students favorite.” Hallion felt it was time to open up the rest of the college to Kaplan’s workshop.
Kaplan stresses two major things: how to never get in a major argument and effective communication. Students will learn a different approach to effective communication and how to enhance personal skills into successful relationships. Kaplan said, “This workshop will create awareness and teach skills so students can create the relationship they desire and deserve.”
Hallion believes it will be a hit among the college campus. “If he comes and shows a few techniques, it will help improve their relationships. Not just boyfriend and girlfriend, but also roommates and friends from home and all the struggles that come between them,” she said.
For anyone who feels they could use some advice regarding their relationships should come to this seminar. This workshop includes everyone who has felt a struggle in a relationship. Whether it’s between girlfriends, boyfriends, family, friends or peers, there is always going to be a level of respect that needs to be improved. Free refreshments will also be included.
Kaplan said, “Relationships fail because of unmet expectations, unwanted limitations or unrealistic demands. A relationship is to be held sacred and nurtured, not used as a playground for fear and insecurity.”
Hallion said, “I think every person will leave this talk with something useful or beneficial.”
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